Navala na Ubuntu laptope nakon predstavljanja MBP

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MacBookPro tjera korisnike na Ubuntu OEMa System76

Nakon Appleovog događaja i predstavljanja MacBook Pro-a 2016, stranice System76, proizvođača laptopa s Ubuntuom imale su poteškoća u radu. 


Alternatively, I headed to System76 and configured its 15-inch Oryx Pro (you can do so here). I closely matched the MacBook Pro specs, with a Quad-core Sklyake i7 and NVMe 256GB SSD. Instead of 16GB of RAM as found on the Apple, I configured with 32GB (you can go up to 64GB if needed). By default, it comes with a 6GB Nvidia GTX 1060. The price? Less than $2,000! In other words, the System76 machine with much better specs is less expensive than Apple's.


Dotični proizvođač je odlučio ponuditi i besplatnu dostavu.


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Site issues resolved, lots of traffic. #Apple should give us more warning next time. We keep scaling to meet demand! #EscapeGate #Linux

But how do it know
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 2.11.2016 12:01 (hrvooje).
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