Windows 10 sleep problem

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15 godina
Windows 10 sleep problem

Imam problem da se komp ne želi "probuditi" iz sleep mode-a. Znači normalno se na sleep ugasi, i ako ga u nekom kraćem roku idem upalit(obično probavao kroz nekih par min), upali se normalno. Međutim kada ostane cijelu noć u sleepu, idući dan upalim komp, sustav se pokrene, lampica od hardiska počne svjetliti, međutim ekran se ne pali i samo ostane tako. Ono što sam primjetio da i u sleepu tipkovnica je upaljena (svjetli lampica za num lock) dok se miš ugasi i LED-ica na njemu ne svjetli. 


Tražio sam po netu po svukuda, nailazio na razna rješenja al niš nije pomoglo, updatea-o drivere od grafičke, bio ugasio hybrid sleep i slično, međutim i dalje sve isto... također sam isti problem i na win8.1 imao ali tamo se taj slučaj događao nekako u 30-al posto slučajeva, dok na 10-ki svaki put isti problem. Ima te kakvu ideju što bi moglo biti uzrok, nešto sam čitao da razni USB uređaji mogu raditi problem, meni jedino miš i printer na USB spojeni...

Moj PC  
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8 godina
Windows 10 sleep problem

Dal ti se to desva na stolnom racunalu ili na laptopu?
Moj PC  
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13 godina
Windows 10 sleep problem

i kod mene isti problem na stolnom računalu u firmi..



0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Windows 10 sleep problem

BIOS update, nema to veze sa drajverima

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Re: Windows 10 sleep problem
jigsaw5063 kaže...

BIOS update, nema to veze sa drajverima

 Evo napravio danas update BIOS-a i za sada sve radi bez problema, najnoramlnije se diže iz sleep-a, Puno hvala

16 godina
Re: Windows 10 sleep problem

Ja sam sa svojim novim Asus ROG G752 imao problema nakon što sam instalirao "svježe" Windowse 10. Malo je išao u sleep malo ne, pa kad ode u sleep, nemože se "probuditi", miš svjetli, i power tipka na laptopu ali ekran i dalje crn. Nije bilo druge nego nasilno ga ugasiti.


Nakon googla-nja problema i isprobavanja ponuđenih rješenja, meni je pomoglo gašenje Hibernate opcije pomoću "powercfg /hibernate off" naredbe u CMD-u i RUČNO brisanje hibernate datoteke na C:\.

Sa time se automatski ugasila opcija fast boot iz power options-a i to je to. Laptop sad normalno ide u sleep i budi se iz njega.

Svakako preporučam da se napravi update SVIH drivera, od grafike do zvuka....i posebno za Intel komponente pomoću "Intel Driver Utility" aplikacije koja će sama nać starije drivere. MOguće je čak i manualno skinut driver od intela i onda ga "forcat" da se instalira, u slučaju da Intelova aplikacija ih ne vidi.



Kopirat ću tekst što sam sebi spremio u notepad:

1. )

2. )I have had a similar problem with an ASUS laptop. I solved it as follows (there are several things I looked at, so look though them all) :

It's work noting that in my case anyways, that it took quite a few seconds for the power light to go out, but it did and the computer correctly woke up / shut down / rebooted.

IF the POWER and WiFi Lights don't go out, try the following 2 fixes:

Setting 1: Go to Control Panel / Power Options Click "Choose what the power buttons do" Click "Change settings that are currently unavailable" (if necessary) Scroll down and UNCHECK "Turn on Fast Startup" Click "Save Changes"

If you haven't tried this before, it may be the only thing you need to change. You need to reboot in order to make the change effective. Keep in mind that the change is only effect on the NEXT rooboot/power down, so you have to reboot twice to see if the change actually worked.

If you're still having problems, try the following:

Setting 2 Go to Control Panel / Network and Sharig Center Click "Change Adapter Settings" On your active WiFi adapter, Right-Click and click on Properties Click the Configure button Click the "Advanced" tab Scroll down to " Wake on Magic Packet" Set the value to "Disabled" Do the same for "Wake on Pattern Match" if you have that setting Click OK

Reboot to take effect, as with Setting 1, it'll take 2 reboots to see if the change was effective.

If the power and HDD lights don't go out, consider the following

It's not a setting to change , but more of an observation with a potential fix. I'd be interested if this works for you if you want to take the time to try it:

Although I've run CHKDSK to check for filesystem errors, there is the possibility that there is filesystem corruption that CHKDSK didn't pick up. This may be true on ANY Drive attached to the system. I had exactly the problem being described, and since the HDD light was the one that stayed lit, if figured it had to be something HDD related. One by one, I backed up each volume, deleted and re-created it, then COPIED the data back onto the drive (I did not restore by using a volume cloning program). each time I did this, I rebooted and checked for the problem. Lo and behold, when I did this to my "F:" drive, the problem was resolved. Obviously the only way to do the C: drive would be to reinstall Windows, but there's a possibility that if you have a backup program that doesn't restore an image, but rather re-creates the filesystem to do the restore. Since my problem was not on the C: drive, I couldn't verify this.

Thanks, hope this was helpful!

3. ) Right click start menu and enter admin command prompt

Run the command 'powercfg /energy' without the quotes

This will take 60 seconds and generate a report for you, likely under c:\Windows\system32

Navigate to that directory and drag the HTML file to your desktop. Open the file there and take notice of the errors.

Any error you see referencing a specific device, i.e NIC, sound card, etc likely needs their drivers updated. Right click the start menu and enter device manager. Search automatically for updated drivers of the devices listed in your energy report. You may also need to head to the device manufacturers website for drivers if Windows can't automatically find them.

4. ) My issue seemed to be my sound card as once I updated that I was able to enter sleep mode and shutdown without issue. Please let me know if this works for you guys.

5.) Disable fast start option in power settings?

6. ) I seem to be having success with the latest version of Intel Management Engine Interface ( if I uncheck the Power Management Option "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".  This is under Device Manager -> System Devices -> Intel Management Engine Interface -> Properties -> Power Management (uncheck Allow...) .  I've run a few days with this on my Asus X550 and sleep mode has been reliable / lockup free again.




U slučaju da je mašina u homegroup-u, postoji dodatna "caka". Naime, kada je mašina u homegroup-u Windows valjda pretpostavi da će se stalno nešto share-at i neće dat mašini da ide u sleep mode.

Za mene ni jedno rješenje nije dobro jer bi htio sjedit na dvije stolice, htio bi da mašina ide u sleep nakon 20min, a isto tako bi htio da nastavi stream-anje videa na Smart TV-u.

Uglavnom, potrebno je podesiti jednu opciju, slika u privitiku.


U slučaju da netko ima problema sa ovom tematikom, slobodno mi pošaljite PM.





Ukoliko trebate pomoć, šaljite privatnu poruku!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 19.2.2016 19:44 (Atomic).
15 godina
Windows 10 sleep problem



nije problem sa Sleep opcijom ali mislim da su problemi nekako povezani pa da ne otvaram novu temu.


Naime, Nakon što se upali Screen Saver i dođe do trenutka kada bi se monitor trebao ugasiti, on se upali. Znači Plan Settings ne radi ono što bi trebao.

Dosadašnje guglanje nije urodilo plodom, imao sam u monitoru Logitech Receiver za tastaturu i miš, prebacio u komp usb, problem ostaje, probao sa brdo podešenja koje sam našao na guglu na tu temu....i dalje ostaje problem.


Računalo je Dell Optiplex 380 a monitor Dell U2713H. Iako mislim da hardware nema nikakve veze s problemon jer se isto dešava na mom lapu HP 6830S, jedina poveznica je win 10 i redoviti update.


Jel netko zna rješenje? Računalo mi radi 24/7 tako da ako se monitor ne ugasi, po noći dnevna soba svijetli ko betlehem :)


EDIT: Riješen problem, bio sam instalirao Keyscrambler softver i on je stvarao probleme....mater mu...

Bolje je znati malo i temeljito nego mnogo i površno.- I. Kant
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 20.2.2016 13:44 (Srednji).
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