Tim Cook htio je izbaciti Uber s App Storea

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9 godina
Tim Cook htio je izbaciti Uber s App Storea

"U Uberu, čini se, nikada nije dosadno."


Nije ni njegovim dioničarima

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14 godina
Tim Cook htio je izbaciti Uber s App Storea

Od svega toga najzanimljivije je ovo

"However, Uber attempted to do this by collecting the UUIDs (essentially a unique hardware serial number) of iOS devices that had installed the Uber app. Apple has worked to prevent its app developers from accessing this information or collecting it.

It is not illegal to do this on Android, where there are far fewer restrictions on collecting data from or about users. In fact, Google itself facilitates device tracking on Android, and advertisers from Amazon to Facebook work to exploit the easy access Android openly offers to developers, malware writers and governments."

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8 godina
Re: Tim Cook htio je izbaciti Uber s App Storea
Plemeniti Apple koji brine o korisnicima... PR bs....
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