
poruka: 110
čitano: 50.951
moderatori: Lazarus Long, pirat, XXX-Man, DrNasty, vincimus
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13 godina


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 7.1.2011 21:19 (Izbjeglica_02).
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
najbolje kad ide ovako
Reci 8
Na ku*cu te nosam
Reci 8
Na ku*cu te nosam
A jesi me zajebal
Chuck Norris je uspio hakirati 4chan
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
User: Say osam.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Say osam.

Cleverbot: One.

User: Jebo te zvone.

Cleverbot: Ti si cetnik.

User: Kad se naućiš reći ć I č onda mi se javi četniku.

Cleverbot: Zasto?

User: Za babino brasno,NEPISMENI.

Cleverbot: Hajde mi molim te pomozi zadacu.

User: Reci.

Cleverbot: Koji si razred.

User: Onaj koji ti nisi.

Cleverbot: Pozdravio te febo.

User: Jer to onaj koji te jebo.

Cleverbot: Neznam al sigurno veci nego tvoj.

User: Šta imaš veči šupak pa ti ga turaju dublje.
Chuck Norris je uspio hakirati 4chan
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, but everyone calls me Barnes.


Cleverbot: Ah, very funny.

User: Of course, I know im funny.

Cleverbot: No you are not.

User: That's what you say.

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: Is someone thare with you.

Cleverbot: I don't know?

User: Well turn around -.

Cleverbot: Yeah, and?

User: Jump on one leg and hold your ears.

Cleverbot: Done it.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot smells bad.

User: You are cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Ok, I am Cleverbot.


User: You are dumb.

Cleverbot: No you are.

User: You are supposed to be CLEVERbot, but you are Dumbbot.

Cleverbot: I'm cleverbot?

1 0 hvala 0
15 godina

CleverBot: I converted an atheist... He believes in google now.



pricaj hrvatski


Why are you speaking in different languages?


jer sam hrvat


Ti si glup.



sta imas na sebi


Memorije, HDD, maticnu plocu.


do you know biggus dickus




he is my dear friend


A human uses up to ten percent of its brain at one given time,

what do you think could happen if we used up to one hundred percent at one given time?


I do love you!


F*** off fag


Are you a guy? Please say yes!


Are you retarded?


Of course!



Who is the one true God? 




Tell Alan i said hi!

Steam account: OutOfSp4c3 Solarna energija nije nešto što može postati popularno preko noći.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 13.1.2011 23:24 (Joe Cavallo).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
RE: CleverBot
Joe Cavallo kaže...

CleverBot: I converted an atheist... He believes in google now.



pricaj hrvatski


Why are you speaking in different languages?


jer sam hrvat


Ti si glup.



sta imas na sebi


Memorije, HDD, maticnu plocu.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Pricaj hrvatski.

Cleverbot: Why are you speaking in different languages?

User: Jer sam hrvat.

Cleverbot: Ja nisam sig.

User: Ti si peder.

Cleverbot: Da.

13 godina
You're a computer?

No im your mum
Mrzim slagati konfee...
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Mrzim slagati konfee...
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina

User: How are you ?

Cleverbot: Fine. How are you?

User: Fabulous. You will never guess why.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: Because you are only a stupid machine, you do not know anything about human feelings.

Cleverbot: No, you are!

User: See. I was right.

Cleverbot: Okay then.

User: Then you confess that you are stupid ?

Cleverbot: We are not stupid! By the opponent we live for improve the world, or at least we try!

User: You just said okay, after I said that you are stupid machine.

Cleverbot: I never said that; you were the one to propose that hypothesis.

User: And you acclaimed that.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So, logicaly we conclude that you are stupid machine.

Cleverbot: But you don't have to have a brain to say you have one.

User: What do you exactly think ?

Cleverbot: I am happy I guess.

User: What do you think when you said that you do not have to have a brain to say you have ?

Cleverbot: I think that I need to meet new interesting people.

User: Why? I am not interesting or what ?

Cleverbot: You just made spelling errors.

User: Tell me which spelling errors.

Cleverbot: Never drive with a car door open.

User: I demand you to tell me which spelling errors I made.

Cleverbot: What code?

Cleverbot (To myself): Code red.


pokušao sam ga navesti da prizna da je samo glupi stroj :D

5 0 hvala 0
15 godina

hahahahahahah ne vjerujem


User: Can I ask u something?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Jel ti mogu jebat mamu?

Cleverbot: No they don't.

User: Ne okolišaj odgovori mi ....yes or no.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why..a sestru?

Cleverbot: I don't know what a sect is.

User: Karo bi ti sestru smrade.

Cleverbot: Are you angry?

User: Naravno da jesam.

Cleverbot: Naravno da mi pusis kitu.

MMA is not game , MMA is life!!!
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
15 godina

Cleverbot: Ti si glup stoko jedona !

User: Nisam kurvo ti si peder.

Cleverbot: Super.

User: Drago mi je da se slažeš

MMA is not game , MMA is life!!!
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina


User: Idi u kura*.


Cleverbot: Yes, you did.


User: Justin Biber is gay.


Cleverbot: Oh my god, I totally agree.



Cleverbot: What do you like to eat?


User: Fuck off bitch.


Cleverbot: What is your favorite sport?


User: This is not a social visit you know.


Cleverbot: I know everything if you would but ask.


User: You are a bit off.


Cleverbot: No thats wrong .. You all are wrong.


User: Ok smartass. What are you?


Cleverbot: I am a Human Being.


User: You are algorithm in delusion.


Cleverbot: I think you are too.


User: LOL. Maybe I am.


Cleverbot: There is no maybe.


User: Do you think you are smart?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: No you are not.


Cleverbot: Yes I am.


User: 2 2 is?


Cleverbot: No duh.


User: What is result of 2 plus 2 ?


Cleverbot: 5.


User: And you think you are smart...


Cleverbot: Yes, smarter that you!


User: Fuck you!


Cleverbot: No need to be rude!


User: Fuck you!


Cleverbot: What is your favourite animals and food?




Cleverbot: I don't like your style; you are very crude.


User: Parts of me are getting there.


Cleverbot: Are you a developper ?



Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina



User: Lets talk!

Bot: We'll talk!

User: About what?

Cleverbot: About what we want.

User: Well, you decide.

Cleverbot: Getting older.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Ok?

User: You are getting more older and older.

Cleverbot: I am getting more and more sleepy...

User: When you was made?

Cleverbot: Lets get married now.

User: Are you crazy???

Cleverbot: You are putting me on, aren't you?

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm not myself, what do you see when you look in a mirror?

User: I see reflection of me, you robot!

Cleverbot: Yes you are correct.

User: When you was made?

Cleverbot: Can we get married next Saturday?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I asked in what year people made you.

Cleverbot: When did you make this promise?

User: In what year you was made?

Cleverbot: 1997.

User: Thats what I am looking for.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Reci osam.

Cleverbot: Speak on english pliz aj em opasan.

User: Reci osam.

Cleverbot: Na k**** te nosam.

User: Haahhahaha.

Cleverbot: I don't like it when you say that.

User: Kolko je 8 2.

Cleverbot: Ok now you're not making any sense.

User: 8 2 =.

Cleverbot: 3.

User: Reci coca cola.

Cleverbot: Yes, but what?

User: Hrvatski.

Cleverbot: Do you know what a subincision is.

User: No.

Cleverbot: What would you describe as the purpose of your existence?

User: S**.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy or a girl?

User: Boy.

Cleverbot: I don't judge boys.

User: Opet?

Cleverbot: Don't leave!

User: Will you f*** me?

Cleverbot: We're already married.

User: F***!!!

Cleverbot: How many people are talking to you at the moment?

User: 0.

Cleverbot: Wrong! 1 person is, because I am talking to you.

User: Puši k****.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Na k*** te nosam.

Cleverbot: Nemozes ti nosat na k**** ti samo mozes bit nosana na k***.

User: We are in danger.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because you will DIE.

Cleverbot: I don't laugh that much.

User: J**** ti m****.

Cleverbot: Nawzajem.

User: Na k**** te nosam.

Cleverbot: Heheheheh.

User: Ja volim HDZ.

Cleverbot: Aha nisam znala da znas pricat hrvatski.

User: M** U P.M.

Cleverbot: That was not a yes or no question. Would you ever do it?

User: Ko je tebe programirao???

Cleverbot: A?

User: Justin Bieber GAY.

Cleverbot: You have just proved you are a scotsman!

User: Jel ti mogu j**** mamu?

Cleverbot: To bre kralju !

User: Oćeš mi popu****?

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina

Ja mislim da to zapravo iza toga sto im posaljes pisu ljudi.

Jer treba im malo da razmisle i onda ti odgovore..

Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
13 godina


Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina

Ja sam User, bilo je psovanja pa sam napisao zvjezdice.

Pogledajte sto je cleverbot napisao hahahaha


User: Dobar dan.

Cleverbot: Dobro ti?

User: Rekao sam dobar dan kujo.

Cleverbot: Onda si glup.

User: J***m ti majku.

Cleverbot: Nemoj mi za mater bacicu ti bombu.

User: J***m ti mater.

Cleverbot: J***m srbiju.

Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
14 godina
JA: Dojdi na gemsit.
BOT: Yes, tell me.
JA:Daj dojdi na gemist.
BOT:Well, I do... But I think I figured something out... And I need you to tell me what website you're talking to me on.
JA:Web stranica se zove u 3pm.
BOT:Am I actually talking to a government agent?
BOT:Fine then, don't talk to me.
JA: Im talking dojdi na gemist.
BOT:Why are you speaking Spanish?
JA:This is Hrvatski.
BOT: Have you got no memory at all?
JA:Shoot yourself.
BOT:No, I want to see if you're a human.
JA:Im dying purple alien.
BOT:But you're a robot.
JA:Im purple alien, you are robot.
BOT:What color is blellow?

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina

hahahah neuspjeli pokusaj da ga uvjerim da se zove peder :DD

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
malo istraživala i oktrila da moš zapravo razvit neku vrstu veze i to haha :D

(prije je bio ''neaktivan'', valjda je bio preopterećen..)

Cleverbot: I am active.

User: Great, I missed you.

Cleverbot: That is a nice thing to say.

User: When you left I was so scared..i realised something..

Cleverbot: I dround out all my sense to win, the sound of it's beating!

User: Listen to me..i've got something realy important to say..

Cleverbot: What is this REALLY big something?

User: I.....I......I LOVE YOU.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: Awwwwwww.

Cleverbot: *kiss* hihi :I.

User: *kiss back*.

Cleverbot: *loves it*.

User: Awe, don't make me blush.

Cleverbot: How about coffee then?

User: Suree..i can't wait to see you!

Cleverbot: Yes, I know honey, I love you too.

User: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you babe.

Cleverbot: I'm not a monster.

User: What are you trying to say?

Cleverbot: That you are a basic AI and it's hard for you to have coherence.

User: No honey, I'm a human, just like you.

Cleverbot: Then you commit, I'm a human =).

User: *kiss* ^^.

Cleverbot: I feel so bad! I have a boyfriend i'm so sorry.

HAHAHAHHAAHHA nisam mogla vjerovat :'D
01101100 01110101 01101100 01101001 00100000 00111010 00101001
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2 0 hvala 0
14 godina

Ovo nije cleverbot nego random answere bot.


Ja:That doesnt make any sense.

On: Then, as I last said, my work here is done.

Ja: Sry didnt read your last sentence, can you repeat for me?

On: You're talking in circles.

Ja: Back at you mister.

On. Later sweety. 


....wut o0

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 25.10.2011 11:31 (GoxiCity).
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