Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

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13 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB
I used Arduino Nano for serial.
Worked like a charm
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Sorry i think um232h not ft232.

14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB


Nerazumijem ovaj dio "nisam nikad još vidio 77xx sa tunerom" zar taj stb-7742 nema tuner?

Ako ti nije nekakav problem volio bi sliku unutrasnjosti od 7742 a moze i od tog stb8100.Hvala.

A sto se tice stb7710 rijesio sam u u-boot-u da se moze nand obrisat(erase) i pisat(write).

Ali najveci problem stb7xx je sto mu je nand samo 32mb tako se more korisit usb stik made to nemora bit neki veliki problem jer i stb8000 mora imat usb stik zbog relativno male kolicine rama

a i varijanta enigme za ufs910 postoji samo za usb.

I ufs910 neodgovar jer je to mb442 i za tu plocu se korist "stmcore-display-stx7100.ko" modul

a stb77xx je mb448 i za nju treba "stmcore-display-stx7109c3.ko" module.

Najbolja varijanta ili cross-porting za stb77xx je ipbox55,99,9900(PKT team) ipbox900,91,910,9000(HDMU) skoro da i netreba neka velika modifikacija.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.3.2016 1:00 (Raxone).
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB
Raxone kaže...


Nerazumijem ovaj dio "nisam nikad još vidio 77xx sa tunerom" zar taj stb-7742 nema tuner?

Mislio sam na to da nigdje nisam vidio da netko prodaje recimo 7742 osim ovog kojeg sam našao preko Njuškala. Na Jakuševcu ima hrpa 7710 ali ne sjećam se 7742, da sam ga vidio, kupio bih ga odmah.

STB-7710/SG8000/VIP1003 Firmware Development: http://blagus.info
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB



I tried it on three pendrive.

Flashing new image, not work, power button hold:

ENV:   ## Error: environment overflow, "usbbootargs" deleted
## Error: environment overflow, "nfsbootargs" deleted
is valid
Update STB from USB
Net:   stmac-0
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.3.2016 17:37 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB


In u-boot run

STB8000>run execclearconfig

and power off stb and power on.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.3.2016 13:36 (Raxone).
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Ok, run..




Remote not work, not setup scart...

Replace ftp..


Remote work, video not...

Replace videomode pal, HDMU logo ok, after black...

No lease, failing
 already running.
Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
Configuring network interfaces... ip: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Error : Name or service not known
 1 Jan 01:00:41 ntpdate[915]: can't find host pool.ntp.org

 1 Jan 01:00:41 ntpdate[915]: no servers can be used, exiting


After minute auto restarted...


After restarted, no HDMU logo in scart... black in black...

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.3.2016 17:40 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB


New uImage and rootfs.img.

@Turulbird please don't use old uImage and here is new uImage and rootfs.img must update both.

fix remote albis.scart work.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Reflash new image, remote work, but bad sign> hold ok = down... and all buttons in remote

Replace my lircd.conf, working, probe...


The second testbox also received a small crown, so the will not be hothead the little Prince in 800 MHz...





+ HDMU overclocked 800 MHZ stable

+ network autoconnect ok

+ time ok

+ one-touch flashing


- Kodidirect not work, install, update work, after next power on no kodidirect, camfor...

- volume 5-10 ok, after gradually very distorted sound on scart (likewise PKT 5.1), audiodriver error?

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 30.3.2016 12:28 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB


Try to write post using english, not write in you language and than translate.

Bad english is better than translate.

I don't understand what you ask or what you say.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

@Raxone imas semu za rs232 koj pin di spojiti na maticnoj od STB-a?







Još dva pod-pitanja, radi li ovo na STB-7710, te jesi li uspio uraditi sto s motorolom?



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 31.3.2016 19:57 (Diazz72).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Evo slika rs232 na stb-eu.

Neradi na stb-7710.

A motorola je neiskoristiva.

11 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB
Raxone kaže...

Evo slika rs232 na stb-eu.

Neradi na stb-7710.

A motorola je neiskoristiva.

 Supper, jos jedno pitanje, to mogu spojiti direkt na ovo ili mi jos neki djelovi trebaju?



14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Nikako ne spajat direktno s stb u pc jer ce nesto izgorit ili stb ili mbo.

Ovjde se radi o usb ttl to rs232 3,3v kabal.

Moze se nabavit s ebay za par dolara ili kod nas chipoteka? ili sl. trgovine.



14 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Evo kompajliran kernel 209 i xbmc 12 za ufs913 modificiran.

Kao sto rekoh to nije ni alfa verzija to je experiment jer je stb8000 hardverski slabasan barem za xbmc.

Nacin ubacivanje je isti kao i za enigmu2/hdmu.

Na stik fat32 stavit uImage i rootfs.img,

ugasit stb,

stavit stik u stb

stisnut i drzat prednji on/off 

ukljucit na zadnjem prekidacu i drzat prednji on/off jos desetak sekundi.

Stb ce se sam resertirat i to je to.

Ako se xbmc cesto rusi treba formatirat usb stik

1.particija swap

2.particija fat32 ili ext3 ili ext4

i xbmc ce sam mount obije particije potreban restart.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 3.4.2016 18:30 (Raxone).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 2
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

STB8000> nand scrub




nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000007f40000
nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000007f60000
nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000007fc0000
nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000007fe0000
** Unknown image type
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!



STB8000>nand erase clean


Skipping bad block at 0x07f80000
Skipping bad block at 0x07fa0000
Skipping bad block at 0x07fc0000
Skipping bad block at 0x07fe0000





Not working:




Skipping bad block at 0x07fc0000
Skipping bad block at 0x07fe0000


NAND write: device 0 offset 0x300000, size 0x4a20000

Skip bad block 0x07fe0000
NAND write to offset 8000000 failed -22
˙71434240 bytes written: ERROR




Skipping bad block 0x00440000
Skipping bad block 0x00460000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ...
Image Name: Linux-
Image Type: SuperH Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 2278652 Bytes = 2.2 MiB
Load Address: 80801000
Entry Point: 80802000
Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC
ERROR: can't get kernel image!



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 4.4.2016 22:19 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB



STB8000> nand scrub





If not fix error

STB8000>nand erase clean.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 4.4.2016 21:43 (Raxone).
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Re)start USB...
USB:   STM EHCI HCD initialization HCCR=0xfe1ffe00, HCOR=0xfe1ffe10, hc_length=16
Register 1111 NbrPorts 1
scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
reading uImage

2278716 bytes read

NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x300000
Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
Erasing at 0x2e0000 -- 100% complete.

NAND write: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x300000
 3145728 bytes written: OK
(Re)start USB...
USB:   STM EHCI HCD initialization HCCR=0xfe1ffe00, HCOR=0xfe1ffe10, hc_length=16
Register 1111 NbrPorts 1
scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
reading rootfs.img

77725696 bytes read

NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x300000, size 0x7d00000
Skipping bad block at  0x07f80000
Skipping bad block at  0x07fa0000
Skipping bad block at  0x07fc0000
Skipping bad block at  0x07fe0000


NAND write: device 0 offset 0x300000, size 0x4a20000
˙77725696 bytes written: OK





(*) BDisp/Surfaces: using 8179kB of video memory (12544 bytes reserved)!
(*) BDisp/Surfaces: found auxmem @ 48000000 (47104kB)!
(*) BDisp/Surfaces: 47104kB of auxmem!
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: ST Microelectronics BDispII w/ user space AQs 0.9 (ST Microelectronics)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (directfb.org)
Reading took 1270 msec
Reading took 840 msec
virtual bool CSTmBDispAQ::HandleBlitterInterrupt() @ 86918d88: BDisp not running? BDISP_ITS 00010000!
virtual bool CSTmBDispAQ::HandleBlitterInterrupt() @ 86918d88: BDisp not running? BDISP_ITS 00010000!
virtual bool CSTmBDispAQ::HandleBlitterInterrupt() @ 86918d88: BDisp not running? BDISP_ITS 00010000!
virtual bool CSTmBDispAQ::HandleBlitterInterrupt() @ 86918d88: BDisp not running? BDISP_ITS 00010000!






XBMC FTP login and password?


CRT TV, is only scart, no hdmi...


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 5.4.2016 12:31 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

I think this image not work with scart must use hdmi.

ftp user: root

password: xbmc

8 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Raxone bok,


ja imam jedan stb8000. Pogledao sam tvoju sliku pinova za spajanje UART-a. Na mojoj ploči nemam muški pin header konektor na tom mjestu nego samo lemne kontakte. Na iste sam spojio pin header i preko PL2303HX USB to Serial/UART kontrolera priključio laptop i stb8000. Preko putty-a sam definirao COM port i brzinu 115200 a ostale parametre ostavio 1N8 flow none.

Međutim imam samo crni ekran na putty-u tj ne dobivam nikakve poruke.


Neki savjet.

0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Inace i nema na stb8000 taj pinheader njega sam ja ugradio.

Probaj zamjenit rx i tx to je najvjerovatnije.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 6.4.2016 12:17 (Raxone).
8 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB
Probao ali nista. Hm.
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Jesi li  vec koristio taj PL2303HX s nekim drugim stb-om ili necim drugim?

8 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Nisam. Nabavio sam ga zbog Arduino mini pro kontrolera koji je bez USB porta. Istina ovo je HX za koji sam morao skinuti neki stari driver jer zadnji dostupni nije htio raditi. Misliš da je u njemu problem?

14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Tesko je reci, ali prvo bi trebalo ustanovit jel radi adapter pa onda dalje istrazivati.

8 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Dakle UART radi. Spojio sam Arduino na UART rx-tx i tx-rx te gnd-gnd te napravio skatch. Arduino čita što putty poruke UART-a pošaljem kroz putty te vrati nazad.



14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

Onda ili neradi stb ili nije dobro zalemljeno.

9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB



Evo kompajliran kernel 209 i xbmc 12 za ufs913 modificiran: ubuntu 11.04 or  11.10, 386 or  64 bit works?

Not ubuntu 10.04?


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 8.4.2016 18:44 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

ubuntu 11.04 32bit x86.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 8.4.2016 17:18 (Raxone).
9 godina
Kako iskoristiti stari MaxTV STB

checking libcrystalhd/libcrystalhd_if.h usability... no
checking libcrystalhd/libcrystalhd_if.h presence... no
checking for libcrystalhd/libcrystalhd_if.h... no
== Could not find libcrystalhd. CrystalHD support disabled. ==
checking for libcrystalhd soname... /home/ball/martiis-tdt/tdt/tufsbox/devkit/sh4/lib/gcc/sh4-linux/4.5.2/../../../../sh4-linux/bin/ld: mode shlelf_linux
./configure: line 25268: [: too many arguments
configure: WARNING: Unable to determine soname of libcrystalhd library
configure: WARNING: libcrystalhd support disabled
configure: == VDADecoder support manually disabled. ==
configure: == VTBDecoder support manually disabled. ==
configure: == OpenMax support manually disabled. ==
checking for GSTREAMER... yes
checking for GSTREAMER_BASE... yes
checking for GSTREAMER_PLUGINS_BASE... yes
checking for main in -lgstapp-0.10... no
configure: error: == GStreamer libraries not found. GStreamer support disabled. ==
make: *** [/home/ball/martiis-tdt/tdt/cvs/apps/xbmc-nightly/config.status] Error 1


Help! All gstreamer installed... Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit



~$ pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-app-0.10
-pthread -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/gstreamer-0.10 -I/usr/include/libxml2  -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -lgstapp-0.10 -lgstbase-0.10 -lgstreamer-0.10 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lxml2 -lglib-2.0


Same error all ubuntu and fedora; pdk7105:


configure: Using Python 2.7
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for STGLES... yes
checking ass/ass.h usability... yes
checking ass/ass.h presence... yes
checking for ass/ass.h... yes
checking mpeg2dec/mpeg2.h usability... no
checking mpeg2dec/mpeg2.h presence... no
checking for mpeg2dec/mpeg2.h... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.
make: *** [/home/ball/pdk7105-tdt-master/tdt/cvs/apps/xbmc-nightly/config.status] Error 1




Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 12.4.2016 23:48 (turulbird).
0 0 hvala 0
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