Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Pokrećem temu kako bismo pratili nove vijesti vezane uz Star Wars: Battlefront II na Playstation 4 konzoli.


Izdavač: EA

Developer: DICE

Datum izlaska: 17.studeni 2017.


Službena stranica


HR Playstation Store stranica


Službeni Trailer:



Glasine i nepotvrđene informacije:

-nema Season Passa

-nema pick-up tokena za vozila i heroje (skupljaju se bodovi tijekom igranja da bi se aktivirali heroji i vozila)

-vraćaju se klase (officer, assault, heavy i specialist)

-skirmishi protiv AI botova

-heroji, vojnici, brodovi, sve ima "progresiju". Jako puno "otključavanja" raznih itema i dodataka na oružju.

-pucanje je bliže Battlefield pucanju ("aim down sights" ima efekt veće preciznosti)

-nema dinamičke destrukcije na mapama (kao u Battlefieldu)

-nema polijetanja i sliejtanja sa svemirskim brodovima

-nema squadova, već drugi neobjavljeni način grupiranja

-"obični" vojnik sa dobrim nadogradnjama moći će parirati Hero klasama (ukoliko je vješt)


PSN nickovi da se ekipa lakše skupi:




PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 18.4.2017 20:43 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 10.6.2017 22:46 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Malo o klasama:



Darth Maul gameplay:



Sniper gameplay:


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sub 10.6.2017 23:08 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

16 min multiplayer gameplay.



Čini se da su stavili u igru squadove, kao u Battlefieldu. Čak se i dobivaju extra bodovi za igranje blizu squad suigrača.

Heroji i vozila se aktiviraju tako da se iskoriste bodovi stečeni tijekom partije, za razliku od Battlefront tokena ili Battlefield respawna.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 12.6.2017 14:50 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 - NEW GAMEPLAY of Crates, Crafting and Progression System!



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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13 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Upravo dobio invite za PC closed alphu koja krece sutra, 29.06.2017 u 1AM PDT / 10:00 CET. Preload dostupan. Igra ima oko 7 GB.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 29.6.2017 2:07 (Teknokyo).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Behind The Story



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

An Exclusive Look at the Heavy Trooper from Star Wars Battlefront II



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Official Starfighter Assault Gameplay Trailer


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2: PS4 Pro First Look and Pre-Alpha Frame-Rate Analysis


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Procurili detalji oko Battlefront 2 Bete.


  • The beta will have three maps: Galactic Assault on Theed (40 players), Starfighter Assault on Fondor (24 players), Strike on Takodana.
  • Offline mode Skirmish will also be available and contain solo, split-screen and co-op gameplay for two players.
  • Available Heroes during the beta will be the same ones we saw at EA’s EA Play event at E3. 
  • A new vehicle called the “LAAT gunship” will be present in the beta, but it’s suggested that it’ll be on a predetermined flight path and cannot be controller by players.
  • Size of the beta is expected to be 14-16GB.
  • Five to nine emotes will be available for soldiers.
  • Players will be able to earn credits and collect Star Cards, but all progress will be wiped once the beta is done.
  • The Battlefront II beta graphics will be further improved compared to the E3 build.



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Najavljene mape za Galactic Assault, mod sa 40 igrača, vozilima i herojima.


Super je da su sve mape tematski drugačije, za razliku od jedinice.

Ima ih i više u odnosu na jedinicu (8 mapa sa svim DLC-ovima) i gdje je bilo par varijanti istog planeta (npr.Hoth).


Death Star II
Mos Eisley
Yavin IV
Starkiller Base


U DICE-u kažu da svaka mapa ima "narativni fokus".

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 25.9.2017 12:26 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Još nneke informacije koje su procurile na Redditu:


  • Light Side Heroes: Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, Lando, Finn, Rey, Yoda
  • Dark Side Heroes: Vader, Palpatine, Boba, Bossk, Iden Versio, Phasma, Maul, Kylo Ren.
  • Ground Locations: Hoth, Yavin, Mos Eisley, Bespin, Death Star, Endor, Takodana, Jakku, Crait, Star Killer Base, Kamino, Naboo, Kashyyyk
  • Light Side Vehicles: OT X-Wing, A-wing, Y-wing, T47, ST X-wing, V-wing, N1 starfighter, LAAT, Wookiee catamaran
  • Light Side Ground Vehicles: X34 landspeeder, Rebel ATRT, 74-Z speeder bike, Republic ATRT
  • Dark Side Air vehicles: Tie fighter, Tie Interceptor, Tie bomber, FO Tie fighter, Vulture droid, Tri-fighter, Hyena bomber
  • Dark Side Ground Vehicles: ATST, ATAT, FO landspeeder, AAT, MTT
  • Special Units Light Side: Rebel Jumptrooper, Resistance Jumptrooper, Clone Jumptrooper, ARC troopers, Wookiee warriors
  • Dark Side Special Units: Death Troopers, Imperial Super Commandos, FO jumptrooper, FO flame trooper, B2 super battle droid, B2 Rocket Droid
  • Light Side Hero Vehicles: Millennium Falcon (Han Solo), Red five, Black one, Millennium Falcon (Rey), Yoda's starfighter
  • Dark Side Hero Vehicles: Slave 1 (Boba), Tie Advanced, Tie Silencer, Scimitar, Slave 1 (Jango)
  • Space Battles: Fondor, Death star debris, Resurgent Star destroyer, SKB, D'Qar, Ryloth, Kamino
  • Game Modes: HeroesVsVillains, Galactic Assault, Starfighter Assault, Strike, Blast.
PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Novi Battlefront II trailer.

Hype level over 9000.




PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.9.2017 10:59 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Arcade mode.



Arcade is a new mode allowing you to take on AI enemies and hone your skills across a variety of scenarios. In the Beta, you’ll have two options: a 10-on-10 team battle with AI allies and enemies, and a Hero vs. many scenario where you’ll take control of Darth Maul and fight against legions of foes on Naboo.


When the game launches you’ll reap valuable rewards for your progress in Arcade. Success will earn in-game credits you can use to unlock Crates and, in turn, gain new Star Cards to further customize your heroes, vehicles, and troopers for both Arcade mode and online multiplayer. And thanks to a series of Challenges, you’ll always have a new goal to strive for and new bonuses to earn.

Arcade battles can be set up and tweaked in a variety of custom configurations so you can change the difficulty, trooper classes used by AI, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to play a number of Battle Scenarios – specially orchestrated Arcade matches that you’ll be able to face either alone or, in the console version of the game, with a friend.



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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15 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Možda je malo čudno što pitam tu ali ok.

Znam da nitko nije prorok ali na kojoj platformi se isplati uzimati ovo PS4 ili PC? Gdje bude više igrača?

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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Ne treba bit prorok.

DICE-ove igre (Battlefieldi, a pogotovo Battlefront) imaju najveću publiku na konzolama.


Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, Battlefront.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Opis "scenarija" koje će ćemo imati u Galactic Assault modu za pojedinu mapu.


U dosadašnjim Battlefield/Battlefront igrama, svaki mod (npr.Conquest, Domination, Rush itd.) je imao specifičan, isti cilj, bez obzira na mapu na kojoj se igra. 


U Battlefrontu II, Galactic Assault samo označava da se radi o modu za 40 igrača, a svaka mapa ima drugačiji "scenarij".


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 27.9.2017 11:17 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 29.9.2017 21:57 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Official Beta Trailer



Open beta počinje 04/10/2017 za one koji su prednaručili igru.

Ostali mogu krenuti isprobavati 2 dana kasnije, 06/10/2017.

Beta traje do 09/10/2017.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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2 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Strike on Takodana




LAAT & Hyena Bomber Beta Gameplay




Jackfrags Beta Overview




PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Hero Ships




Split screen Arcade mode


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Počeo je pre-load bete.


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 4.10.2017 11:12 (DeniZg).
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15 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
DeniZg kaže...

Počeo je pre-load bete.



a rekli da nece biti preloada za betu ?

11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Mislim da je beta već krenula za pre-order. Nisam doma pa ne mogu provjeriti.

Edit: Je, krenula je. Vidim da ekipa već streama.


Evo jedan Kamino gameplay.




XfactorGaming je isto dao svoj osvrt.


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 4.10.2017 12:56 (DeniZg).
15 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Dakle preload beze je samo za one koji su kupili igru.

Za one koji se jos nisu odlucili preload bete ce biti na dan izlaska open bete ili sam krivo shvatio?

Moj PC  
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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Meni onaj link za download radi jer sam napravio pre-order. Mislim da se aktivirao u trenutku kad je beta službeno počela.

Ostalima će vjerojatno bit moguće skinuti i zaigrati 2 dana kasnije.


Tako da, izgleda da ipak nema pre-loada, kako si i sam naveo.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Ima neko na PC ja sam preodredo da igramo?
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