Battlefield V

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Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: Battlefield V - Nebrušeni dijamant
15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Inače netko je pitao za platoon u BF5. Tek sad prije 2 dana slučajno vidio gdje se nalaze.


Stisneš gore lijevo one tri crte, i tamo se nalazi đubre

 a ima li koji bug platoon? i ima li kakvog smisla? vidjet di je tko i tako?

15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
ranko091 kaže...
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Inače netko je pitao za platoon u BF5. Tek sad prije 2 dana slučajno vidio gdje se nalaze.


Stisneš gore lijevo one tri crte, i tamo se nalazi đubre

 a ima li koji bug platoon? i ima li kakvog smisla? vidjet di je tko i tako?

 e vidiš nisam isprobavao ovdje, ali na BF1 si vidio kad netko iz platoona igra, pogotovo kad igra više ljudi


Da ima bugov platoon. Bug online je ja mislim.

12 godina
Battlefield V


Prepare to strike.
Battlefield V Chapter 2: Lighting Strikes begins next week.

full trailer next week


U teaseru ni jedna žena ili crnac. Mičem igru s kompa.

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 10.1.2019 18:45 (CyberDemonVZ).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
10 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...


Prepare to strike.
Battlefield V Chapter 2: Lighting Strikes begins next week.

full trailer next week


U teaseru ni jedna žena ili crnac. Mičem igru s kompa.

 Ti si više tipkaš po forumu o ovoj temi nego što igraš :D... Mi navečer redovno bacimo 2 3 sata tebe ni na vidiku :D. Što je jel dojadilo ? 

12 godina
Re: Battlefield V

2 kolokvija, 2 seminara i jedan projekt slijedeći tjedan 

Na jednom prozoru imam skripte, drugom Forum i reddit :)

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
BeLLicus kaže...
CyberDemonVZ kaže...


Prepare to strike.
Battlefield V Chapter 2: Lighting Strikes begins next week.

full trailer next week


U teaseru ni jedna žena ili crnac. Mičem igru s kompa.

 Ti si više tipkaš po forumu o ovoj temi nego što igraš :D... Mi navečer redovno bacimo 2 3 sata tebe ni na vidiku :D. Što je jel dojadilo ? 

 Čovjek je student. Šta ga provociraš.


Cyber ne daj se uz tebe smo. 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
10 godina
Battlefield V

ubacuju stug definitivno, a za alliese se jos ne zna mada je pretpostavljam da ce isto bit tank destroyer i to archer s obzirom da vidim njegove olupine po hamadi to mi se cini kao logicno

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 10.1.2019 21:56 (Del_Boy97).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Battlefield V

Stug će bit kao onaj churchil što ne može turret okretat.

Ako ne slože te tank turrete da se ne drmaju toliko jebeno kad se malo mićeš mogao bi biti dobar.

Kompa probaj ignoriraj autora, pomaže.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Dolazi Rush.

Nadam se da će biti dobar 

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...

2 kolokvija, 2 seminara i jedan projekt slijedeći tjedan 

Na jednom prozoru imam skripte, drugom Forum i reddit :)


Jednog gledaš, trojica se tresu! 

12 godina
Battlefield V

Nemam assignmente za Recona, Assaulta.... nestali. A nisam ih ispunio ni pola.

Neki poznati bug? Ili je neka druga fora?

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Customizacije koje će s vremenom ugledati svjetlo dana (talijanske, njemačke, američke, čini mi se da imaju i sovjetske):



Talijansko perije tho...

uteče Medžedža!
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 3
12 godina
Battlefield V

Dobra vijest za medice, SMG buff.

I hrpa stvari iz novog patcha. Datum patcha 15. 01.

Battlelog: [G] CyberDemonVZ
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 2
16 godina
Re: Battlefield V
CyberDemonVZ kaže...

Nemam assignmente za Recona, Assaulta.... nestali. A nisam ih ispunio ni pola.

Neki poznati bug? Ili je neka druga fora?


Dice ti je oznacio te assignmente kao completed zbog iznimnih uspjeha u podizanju drustvene svijesti o BF5. Na putu je i orden precasnog JackFrags-a sa veleredom BattleNonSense-a i lentom MVP-a

Freak Show Inc.
8 godina
Battlefield V

Svaki put kad upalim igru i uđem u operacije,breakthru pitam se dali je ciljana skupina ove igre bila ona koja je mentalno retardirana (bez uvrede ikome)

Ili braniš ili napadaš - jednostavnije nemože ali opet tako teško za neke tako da je jedini mogući zaključak da su jel

b*g maj** u ***** više

Moj PC  
1 3 hvala 0
13 godina
Battlefield V

Brejktru je inače brejktru kamperfest, samo ovaj drugi dio je bezvučan i ne izgovara se.


Broken mode u kojem možeš nabijat kdr. Dosadno.

Kompa probaj ignoriraj autora, pomaže.
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Soldier977 kaže...

 kak imaš volje gledati 40 minuta kako netko priča o tim stvarima? Jel barem kaže išta novo?

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 14.1.2019 11:38 (Jack Sparrow).
12 godina
Battlefield V

Ne znam nisam gledao. :) 


Pogledao sam prvih par minuta i svidjelo mi se gdje ide priča. Pa šta ću drugo na poslu raditi? 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Preksinoć, napadamo Hamadu (breakthru). Zadnjih 100 tiketa, ja imam cca 85k squad bodova i ne mogu pozvati V1 jer je toliki red da rakete stalno šibaju. Izgubili, nisam uspio ni jednu okinut.

Karma mi je vratila sinoć na Fjellu: pozvao V1 na zadnji A point na posljednjih 13 tiketa. 9 mrtvih neprijatelja poslije, pobijedili rundu sa 3 preostala tiketa.

BATTLELOG: Francis_Bac0n
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V

Battlefield V Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes Update Notes


Hello Battlefield V players, and welcome to our first update in 2019!
As part of Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes, we’re kicking off the year with Squad Conquest which
is an intense version of Conquest that enables more tactical gameplay between two teams of
16 players on the Arras, Rotterdam, and Hamada maps.
Additionally, we’re adding four new weapons which can be unlocked with the Weekly
Challenges that will be made available during Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes.
We’ve also made several changes and fixes based upon the feedback from the
Note that there’s much more coming with Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes, including the return of
Rush, a new Grand Operation, and more. New experiences will be delivered in future
updates as the Chapter progresses.
See you on the battlefield!
/Jaqub Ajmal
Producer –
Battlefield V
(Twitter: @jaqubajmal)


New Content

New Mode: Squad Conquest
Squad Conquest is a tighter and more intense version of Conquest, where two squads per
team battle it out over smaller, more tactical layouts of three existing maps: Arras, Hamada,
and Rotterdam. These maps all feature 16 players on two teams, three flags, spawning
restricted to HQs, and limited access to vehicles. A core belief behind Squad Conquest is a
restricted number of variables to allow strategy to be able to exist – you have to be able to
predict player behavior and patterns, which is reflected in all three map layouts. Clear lanes
and conservative combat areas allow players to predict where enemies are coming from,
where they need to defend, and how to subvert enemy movement.
New Weapons
These are some of the weapons that will be obtainable through the Weekly Challenges in
January and February:
ZK-383 (SMG)
Modele 1944 (SA)
M1922 (MMG)
Top Issue Fixes and Changes
Time to Death and Death Experience Fixes
The name of the enemy that has killed a player is now shown in the game world when
the player has died. This highlights the killer and helps players understand who killed
them and from where, especially in crowded situations.
Improved the death experience with the addition of a camera that now follows and
zooms towards the killer. This will allow players to understand what killed them and
the position of the killer.
Improved accuracy of the visual representation of incoming bullets for other players.
Tracers should now properly appear to consistently appear from the shooter, and
should be clearer when the victim is looking directly at the shooter.
Fixed an issue with the UI directional damage indicator that delayed the indication of
damage to the victim.
Made tweaks to the UI directional damage indicator to more accurately point towards
the enemy damaging the player.
Soldier Fixes and Tweaks
Improved vaulting so that it no longer incorrectly triggers against steep hills and
Improved vaulting detection when trying to vault through a window that’s already
broken. This will make vaulting in those cases less sensitive to tight attack angles
(you’re welcome, Reddit!)
Fixed an issue where players could receive fall damage from vaulting over a wall.
Fixed an issue where players would pick up a weapon while reviving on console.
Fixed an issue where the camera would clip through the soldier while in the man
down state when the player had set a very high FOV.
Improved the camera behavior when a player revives a downed player very quickly.
Improved soldier ragdoll behaviors and made them more granular when killed in
different poses (stand, crouch, prone) and based on the impulse of explosions.
Soldiers killed by explosions will now blend nicely into full ragdoll when they land
rather than snapping to a specific ragdoll position when landing.
Players will no longer get a strange arm pose when melee hitting an enemy three
times in a row and then switching to the Fortification tool.
Fixed an issue where the ammo self-supply animation could get stuck and play
The Heavy Weapons trait is no longer as powerful on AA guns which previously
would result in them having almost no overheat while firing.
Improved sliding activation consistency from double-tap by reducing the impact of
turning while sprinting.
General improvements to the detection of auto-peek over and auto-lean.
Increased the horizontal free aiming angle when prone by 40°.
Halftracks now take more and more consistent damage, making them easier to
Fixed an issue where the Stuka quick repair did not resupply when flying through a
resupply point.
Increased the damage of the Stuka BK37 cannons against all targets, while also
reducing the splash range. Accurate shots versus vehicles and infantry will be greatly
rewarded, but inaccurate fire will still suffer significantly reduced damage. These are
intended as precision-strafing weapons, and should be powerful on single targets but
weak on area targets.
The damage caused by the Mine Clearing Line Charge Specialization will register in
the kill log and in the kill cam as well. Also, friendly players are no longer affected by
the damage of the Mine Clearing Line Charge.
Fixed so that all tank cannons one-hit kill all types of airplanes, even those equipped
with Specializations that reduce damage from Flak.

Increased the ammo capacity of all airplane cannons from 150 rounds to 200 rounds.
The previous reduction caused players to return to reload more frequently than
Standardized an unintended imbalance between the coaxial and port firing vehicle
machine guns. Overall this is a big buff to German machine guns, and a small buff to
British ones. Some British machine guns were doing too much damage over all, and
some German machine guns were doing too little. The close range damage of the
German guns has been increased to match the British guns, and the long range
damage of the British guns has been reduced to match the German guns. As a
balancing factor, the range of all of these machine guns has been increased, so
players should not see a reduced effectiveness in the British machine guns, and
should experience an increased effectiveness of the German machine guns.
Reduced the damage reduction of explosions on players in prone. Players were
previously resisting up to 25% of an explosion when prone, which was only intended
in a few edge cases. This was fundamentally breaking the intended damage of tank
shells, as players could absorb too much damage. The damage of explosions is
otherwise is unchanged.
Reduced reload time of rockets to 15 seconds (was previously 30 seconds).
Reduced reload time of bombs to 20 seconds (was previously 30 seconds).
Visual and Audio
Resupply Station locations for vehicles are now pinned to the edge of the screen
when ammo resupply is available, in order to help players find these resources.
These icons scale in size and transparency the further a player is from the resources
to prevent icon clutter.
Fixed a bug which would make vehicle paint jobs look less detailed compared to how
they look in the customization menu.
The Stuka siren has been made louder.
Improved audio mix on planes to have more noticable propeller sound and less
engine sound.
Improved the graphics on the wheel compartment of the Blenheim MkI.
When spawning into a top gunner seat, players are now holding the machine gun
Fixed the third-person animation when entering the Churchill Mk VII Tank so it aligns
Third-person animations should now play properly when using the backseat in the
Fixed an issue where players using higher sensitivity options could be counted as
being out of bounds while in a top gunner seat while actually being within bounds.
Players should no longer fall under the map when spawning into a vehicle that
managed to get destroyed right before the spawn.
Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations
Removed the Extended Magazine Specialization for the M1907 SF and made the
extended magazine equipped by default. Recoil Buffer has been added as a

replacement. This weapon's Specializations will be reset and the means for unlocking
them will be refunded. The M1907 SF was not useful enough without the extended
magazine upgrade, making the hipfire upgrades a bad choice.
Decreased the effectiveness of the Ported Barrel Specialization on the M1928A1 to
better balance the weapon in the SMG class. The upgrade was a bit too strong,
leading to a slightly too controllable weapon.
Reduced the base deploy time of the StG 44 to 0.80 seconds from 0.85 seconds to
better align with the animation. This was not in line with other assault rifles. You can
shoot a bit sooner after switching to this weapon now.
Enabled semi-automatic fire for the M1928A1 which was previously missing.
Increased Suomi Kp/-31 reload speed when not using extended magazines. Reload
times are now 2.3 seconds (previously 2.5 seconds) tactical and 3.45 seconds
(previously 3.75 seconds) empty. The base reload was a bit too slow for the small
magazine, making the extended magazine upgrade too important.
Fixed an issue where some weapons were inaccurate for too long when going from
sprinting to firing when aiming down the sights (ADS). Some weapons did not reach
full accuracy when fully zoomed in when transitioning from sprinting to ADS, leading
to unexpectedly high recoil when firing. This was most noticeable on SMGs.
Fixed an issue where SMGs and weapons with the Enhanced Grips and Slings and
Swivels Specializations remained inaccurate when going from sprinting to firing in
SMGs and weapons with these upgrades did not recover accuracy quickly enough
when going from sprinting to firing in hipfire, reducing the intended mobility advantage
they should have.
Made tweaks to SMG weapon positions in hip fire when firing and strafing to prevent
the weapon from covering the crosshair.
The Panzerfaust no longer has a long delay before being able to fire after switching to
the weapon.
Fixed so that the Panzerfaust one-hit kills all types of airplanes, even when equipped
with Specializations that reduce damage from Flak.
Reduced the damage of the Panzerfaust. The Panzerfaust is very easy to use, and
widely equipped. As a fast fire-and-forget weapon, its damage payoff was still too
good against all types of armor. The damage is still high enough, even against a
heavy tank, that a smart player can utilize a dedicated anti-tank loadout to defeat the
enemy using skill and tactics.
Increased Throwing Knives max damage range to 10m from 6.5m.
Reduced the delay between two consecutive Throwing Knives throws by 40%.
Adjusted parameters for explosive damage when behind cover so that players behind
cover properly receive reduced damage when cover is destroyed.
Adjusted damage multipliers for grenades and Panzerfaust versus various barricades
so that multiple grenades are required to tear down a sandbag Fortification.
The RSC now reloads with the correct amount of bullets even if there’s already a
bullet in the chamber.
If the player revives a friendly while reloading, the reload will now properly get
interrupted instead of completing it during the revive animation.
Fixed the sling swivel so it no longer floats below the MP28.
Fixed clipping weapon when firing the M1928A1 with some iron sights.
Enemies firing no longer have their heads moved backwards while firing, which could
cause unpredictable head movements when players tried to land headshots.
Improved the trajectory of supply pouches when thrown towards players.
Aligned the optics for the Lattey sights while in ADS using the M1897.
Fixed an issue where the hand pose would break when switching the primary weapon
and the Ruby pistol.
Scope Glint
Adjusted the size and intensity of the glints for medium powered scope and high
powered scopes. Medium powered scope glints are now smaller and less intense
than high powered ones.
Pushed the visible distance for scope glints a bit further. They will now start being
visible from longer distances (both Medium and High).
Scope Glint for medium scope visibility falls off over longer distances.
The interaction prompt now properly appears when looking at a Spawn Beacon if it
can be picked up.
Fixed a bug where players were unable to switch to their secondary weapon when
having the M30 Drilling Equipped while using rifle mode.
Reduced the minimum damage of the Gewehr 43 and Selbstlader 1916 to 33.5 from
Increased the damage for the Mk VI Revolver. Two-hit kill range is now 12 m
(previously 7 m), three-hit kill range is 30 m (previously 12 m), four-hit kill range is 50
m (previously 30 m). Minimum damage is now 22 instead of 15. Damage dropped too
steeply for the rate of fire and magazine capacity of this weapon.
Buffs to SMGs in this update are aimed at improving the mid-range combat ability of
the Medic class. Reductions in recoil and increases to accuracy will allow the SMG
user to maintain damage on target and increase their effectiveness over all.
Improved SMG sustained fire when hip firing.
Reduced SMG base dispersion to 0.15 from 0.2. This makes SMGs feel a bit more
controllable and enables the low rate of fire SMGs to be reasonably effective at
medium range without having to get accuracy upgrades.
Reduced Suomi Kp/-31 vertical recoil to 0.76 from 0.8.
Reduced Suomi Kp/-31 horizontal recoil to 0.93 from 0.95. The Suomi was a bit too
hard to control compared to the M1928A1.
Reduced EMP recoil pattern strength to make firing single shots less awkward. Single
shots were heavily biased to go sideways, making them awkward to use compared to
other weapons.
Increased M1A1 vertical recoil to 0.6 from 0.55. This weapon was outperforming other
weapons at intended ranges and will now be more difficult to land multiple shots on
target at longer range.
Increased M1907 SF vertical recoil to 0.82 from 0.68. This weapon was outperforming
other weapons at intended ranges and will now be more difficult to land multiple shots
on target at longer range.
Reduced the vertical recoil reduction when crouching to 25% from 30% and when
prone to 40% (previously 50%).
The vertical recoil reduction when crouching or prone no longer stacks with the
reduction from using a bipod. This was inadvertently making bipods inconsistent,
making fire patterns with bipods difficult to learn since they were different in each
stance. Stance changes reduced recoil too much, especially when combined with a

bipod, which virtually removed all handling difference when prone. This affects MMGs
when prone most noticeably.
Maps and Modes
Final Stand: players are no longer able to skip revive in this mode.
Breakthrough on Rotterdam: removed an out of bounds spawn for the defenders near
the A flag.
Panzerstorm: fixed an issue where there would be lamps floating in the air after the
building they were in was destroyed.
Final Stand: fixed the black deploy screen.
Airplanes no longer take damage when taking off from the landing strip on the
Practice Range.
Fixed an issue where the gamepad vibrations would not work on Grand Operations.
On Aerodrome, the Fortification sandbags will no longer block the view of the
stationary weapon near the airplane hangar.
Fixed the floating Flak 39 on Panzerstorm.
Fixed a piece of barbed wire that was seemingly invisible on Devastation near Flag A
while playing Conquest.
Improved the railing on Rotterdam near the canals so they are easier to vault over.
Fires on levels no longer cause unintentional lens flare effects.
Decreased the intensity of the white environmental smoke on Devastation.
The Distinguished Defender’s Cross ribbon is no longer awarded multiple times upon
Players are now able to scroll through the map list from the server info screen ingame.
Added the missing M24 grenade icon on the statistics screen.
Fixed an issue where the “enter vehicle” prompt could be visible while in parrot
camera view.
Fixed a bug where squad orders were delayed for top gunners in tanks.
Added the missing image for Panzerstorm in the Advanced Search menu.
Rarity of vehicle skins is now shown in the Vehicle Customization screen.
Special Assignment icons should now always be visible on all challenges.
Fixed an issue which could result in the bleed out functionality not always working.
Added a Zoom Transition Sensitivity Smoothing option (this is off by default). When
enabled, this option allows players to smooth out the sensitivity transition when
aiming down sight instead of instantly transitioning to the zoomed sensitivity. This
option only affects legacy aiming users as it’s already automatically enabled when
using Uniform Soldier Aiming.
Fixed an issue where the killcard would not be visible if the player gets revived too
quickly after getting killed.
Made various text fixes.
Voiceovers are now played when notifying players in the man down state that you are
coming to revive them.

Footstep audio has been improved making walking and sprinting louder for a better
gameplay experience, while crouching and crawling generates less sound to enable
sneaking and stealth gameplay.
Fixed an issue where the disabled sound for planes would keep playing after
Improved footstep sounds based upon what type of physics material the player is
stepping on, on both Arras and Twisted Steel.
Fixed an issue which could result in the “kill confirmed” audio confirmation to not play
at the correct moment.
Made multiple crash fixes and general stability improvements.
PC Specific Improvements
Increased the density of the fields on Arras when playing on lower settings, to not
give a visual advantage to those playing on low-spec PCs.
Player feedback
As always, we value your input and we want you to reach out to us with feedback.
For general feedback, please use our
Battlefield V section on the Battlefield forums which
you can find by following this URL:
Should you encounter any issues or bugs, we recommend that you report them on our
Battlefield V – Answers HQ forum which you can find here:
You can also reach out to our Battlefield multiplayer producer David Sirland and Battlefield
LIVE producer Jaqub Ajmal on Twitter if you have any further topics that you would like us to
write about in future blog posts. You can reach them on Twitter
@tiggr_ and @jaqubajmal.
Also, you can reach Jaqub on Weibo:
As always, we hope to see you on the battlefield and we look forward to the journey that
Battlefield V will take us on through the Tides of War!
David Sirland and Jaqub Ajmal, on behalf of the teams at EA and DICE.

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 9
12 godina
Battlefield V

Mogao si samo pdf poslat dama.

Battlelog: LtMoNkK
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Battlefield V
A mogao je sve lijepo i svojim riječima prepričati
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
MRSKI kaže...
A mogao je sve lijepo i svojim riječima prepričati




15 godina
Battlefield V

Vidim da nitko nije stavio trailer za novi update



Hotchkiss M1922 Medium machine gun

ZK-383 SMG

Ross rifle

Modele 1944 semi-automatic rifle ili ti MAS-49


Od vozila dolaze Stug IV, Archer te novi bomber/attacker JU-88 P1 ili koja verzija je već furala 75mm top :)



A evo vam i PDF za patch

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 1
12 godina
15 godina
Battlefield V

PC Specific Improvements
Increased the density of the fields on Arras when playing on lower settings, to not
give a visual advantage to those playing on low-spec PCs.



Čemer, tuga i jad u gtx2080 kućanstvima!

Ta sirotinja non stop igra u low postavkama, eto ima na! 

Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Battlefield V

Evo da nakon par tjedana izvjestim vezano za problem kada mi frend salje request u squad: sada radi sve normalno,pokazuje mi invite sa izborom Y i N (potrebno je u Originu u igri napraviti desni klik pa označiti "Enable Origin in game for Battlefield V".)


Za one koje imaju internet preko Optime kao ja: ja frenda vidim u igri da je online, on mene ne - stvar je Optimi i potrebno je resetirati ruter da sve radi normalno.... To se dogđa nakon 18h.



2 0 hvala 2
13 godina
Re: Battlefield V
mrfloyd kaže...

PC Specific Improvements
Increased the density of the fields on Arras when playing on lower settings, to not
give a visual advantage to those playing on low-spec PCs.



Čemer, tuga i jad u gtx2080 kućanstvima!

Ta sirotinja non stop igra u low postavkama, eto ima na! 

 u prijevodu: we added more frame drops when you aim to fields so richer players have more advantage with higher fps.

kule kaže...

Evo da nakon par tjedana izvjestim vezano za problem kada mi frend salje request u squad: sada radi sve normalno,pokazuje mi invite sa izborom Y i N (potrebno je u Originu u igri napraviti desni klik pa označiti "Enable Origin in game for Battlefield V".)


Za one koje imaju internet preko Optime kao ja: ja frenda vidim u igri da je online, on mene ne - stvar je Optimi i potrebno je resetirati ruter da sve radi normalno.... To se dogđa nakon 18h.




Recesija je i srezani su troškovi tako da na održavanju servera radi jedan dajsovac kojem noćna nije plaćena adekvatno pa ručno unosi vaše zahtjeve za spajanje i onda mu se neda i dolazi do toga.

Do 18 dokad su svi dajsovci tamo i rade dnevnu onda sve radi super. LP


Kompa probaj ignoriraj autora, pomaže.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 14.1.2019 21:07 (fila2208).
12 godina
Re: Battlefield V
Doca15 kaže...

Mogao si samo pdf poslat dama.

 Znam, ali ovako ispadne da sam ja napisao taj post.




Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
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