PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds izdvojena tema

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Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: PUBG Nickovi - da se ekipa lakše okupi
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS - Early Access Highlights Week 33-35


PUBG MYTH BUSTERS: Shoes or Barefoot Speed, Double AWM Headshot, Molotov 
Survival - EPISODE 2

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
6 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Draga naša PUBG zajednico,

obavještavamo Vas da uskoro počinje nagradna igra u sklopu naše PUBG Hrvatska zajednice.

U razdoblju od 20.11.- 30.11.2017. na forumu će se prikupljati prijave igraća za nagradnu igru.

Svaki igrač koji želi sudjelovati u nagradnoj igri trebat će u posebno otvorenoj temi (Prijave za nagradnu igru) napraviti prijavu.

Nakon prijava igrača od 01.12.- 25.12.2017. admini će putem statistike u igri pratiti vaše rezultate i na temelju EU-SOLO (TPP) pobjeđenih GEJMOVA (CHICKEN DINNERA) proglasiti pobjednika 26.12.2017.

Prijave na :

Pobjednik nagradne igre osvaja Sharkoon Drakonia laserski gaming miš 

Puno sreće i puno chicken dinnera!

1 0 hvala 1
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Malo sam se zapričao sa zadnjim likom, 


Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Dodajte me na steamu. malaivica ili LtmoNk

Battlelog: LtMoNkK
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Doca15 kaže...

Dodajte me na steamu. malaivica ili LtmoNk

 Nema tu helića, kako ćeš se snać 

12 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Tomo kakav helić hehe,to je bilo na kraju bf3a,ima inf to je dovoljno,ajd dodaj me da mi pomogneš oko nekih stvari.

Battlelog: LtMoNkK
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Moj PC  
1 1 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Jack Sparrow kaže...

 Par postova iznad

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
neznam jeste vidili novi patch na testnom:


Optimization Update was carried out for the following contents:

Character rendering
Character animation
Rendering long range weapons
Various effects
Various UI
Depiction of the sea (could be the tech of sea of thieves)
Loading terrain
Memory usage required for depiction of characters
Memory usage required for depiction of texture


When you trigger the Climbing animation and hold shift you can move over an object instead of only getting on top of it.
Reduced the coat sometimes blocking the view when moving in ADS.


The damage of foot and hand impact decreased, and the impact damage to thighs and upper arms increased more than before.

Meele Weapon/punch:
Headshot Bonus Damage: 150%
Body: 100%
Arms, Legs: 120%

Hand gun:
Headshot Bonus Damage: 200%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 100%

Headshot Bonus Damage: 150%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 75%

Headshot Bonus Damage: 180%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 100%

AR: Headshot Bonus damage: 230%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 90%

DMR (SKS, Mini 14, Mk 14): Head shot Bonus damage: 230%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 95%

SR (AWM, Kar 98 k, M 24, VSS): Head shot Bonus damage: 250%
Body: 100%
Arms, legs: 95%

After using the bandage, the recovery time gradually decreased from 8.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds, and recovery efficiency increased. Bandage usage time and total recovery volume are the same as existing numbers.

The area that can be reached after jumping from the plane has been expanded from the previous one.

A new area is added to the suburbs of the island where descent was impossible in the past.

Scale was added so that the zero distance can be measured on the cross line of 15 magnification scope.

Added a new reticle to the 4× scope for weapons using 7.62 mm bullets.

Added a new reticle to the 4x scope for SR and SMG weapons.

Added a blur effect outside of the scope area when scoped in.

Bullets will pass through the water and penetration will be influenced by the momentum. (The penetrating power is lower as the bounding speed is higher)

Lowered the camera when proning in 3rd Person.

The launch speed of SKS and Mini 14 has decreased. Bullet speed maybe?

Raised running speed when DMR weapons are equipped (SKS, Mk 14, Mini 14). It's the same speed as if you are holding a AR now.

Mk14's shooting rebound rate decreased. Time between shots?

You can no longer install scopes higher than the 8x on the M16.


Two new weapons have been added:

DP-28 was added. We use a round magazine that can be earned looted on the map and 47 4762 mm bullets. You can install scopes up to the 4x. The launch speed is slow, but it has a long effective range and high damage.
AUG A3 was added. It is a bullpupp assault rifle that uses 5.56mm bullets and can only be obtained from supply drops. Bounce speed and launch rate are high and reaction to vertical direction is suppressed (low recoil?).


Before / after-image added
A new English font was applied.
In-game HUD, options, inventory, menu screen, system message design has been improved.
Solo / team play related UI has been improved.
The team member's physical strength gauge has been moved from the upper left of the screen to the lower left of the screen.
The mini map, world map, team list UI are displayed on the screen with colors and numbers that the team player indicator is easy to recognize.

It is possible to easily check the state of connecting, dropping, dead, down, connection failure etc via a new indicator.

The HUD related to opening using etc. has been improved (F key interaction)

When there is not enough storage space in the bag, the color of the font is displayed in red and highlighting that you can not acquire the item.

The mini map and the world map were improved.

Adjust so that the information of team members is further highlighted by lowering the saturation of the mini map.

Adjusted the color of the world map, so that information on the map, markers etc can be seen well.

You can check the viewpoint direction of the player who plays together from the world map and mini map.

When team members ride on the same vehicle, they are displayed in one indicator on the world map and mini map.

Kill feed has been moved from the lower left to the upper right.

When the health goes beneath 75% the health bar does not turn red anymore (hard to translate, possibly wrong)

Kill camera function was added to the tab of the game play of the setting menu. You can see the person's kilcam in the game result window.

In squads and Duos you can only see the kill cam when the whole team is dead.


Changed background music in the lobby.
The engine sound of all cars except the boat has been improved to sound more realistically.
Sounds that can be heard from the border of safety zone have been added. (blue zone makes noise?)
The Red zone bombing sound has been divided into 3 stages:
Sound bombed from a distance
The sound of a bomb flying
The explosion.
Added a sound when jumping into water. It will sound different dempending on the speed.


Added 4 languages: Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexican), Chinese (Traditional).

Bug Fixes:

Fixed an issue in the three-seater motorcycle that would blur the view when sitting in the backseat.
When using various bandages consecutively the animation now plays correctly.
Solved the problem that a pink ring is displayed in a specific building at the time of descending parachute.
Solved the problem that made players able to fire in full auto mode during climbing action.
significantly reduced the blurring effect around the field of view in the ADS state.
13 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Ili link


Možda najbolja stvar, player color indicator. Na mapi se prikazuje boja svakog plejera, konačno!


Jako dobar patch, nastranu novo oružje i sve, al ovo je brutalno!! 


Uopće nisam dvojio da nas neće razočarati.
Samo da prođe dobro test i uskoro dobivamo PC 1.0.


za one koji nisu vidjeli, test serveri su alajv ovaj tjedan od danas do petka 24. u 8 sati.

A za idući tjedan će najaviti kad će biti.


Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
12 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

opaaa pa ovo se isplati probati napokon :)  stavljam skidat danas 

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
VooDooZg kaže...

opaaa pa ovo se isplati probati napokon :)  stavljam skidat danas 

Nego što nego se isplati.
U prošlotjednoj turi test servera, radili su brutalno..

I super je s obzirom da su prvi put pustili.

Nadam se da će tako i sada biti 



Ovo bi mogoa biti do sada najveći update ikad.

Batllelog: sudy_freak | Steam: sudy_freak
16 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Nešto docnije 



We are currently performing emergency maintenance for the test servers. It will last for three hours. We will let you know once it's complete. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Never put Dolby on snake detectors, that's what we must remember.
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Ova 1.0 verzija bi trebala biti fantastična i vrijedna izlaska.



Čini se da su ipak dodali 

Added killcam feature that can be found in Settings. Now players can check killcams in the result screen - For Duo and Squad modes, killcam can be checked after all team members have died

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 22.11.2017 19:03 (AmonZero).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
AmonZero kaže...

Ova 1.0 verzija bi trebala biti fantastična i vrijedna izlaska.



Čini se da su ipak dodali 

Added killcam feature that can be found in Settings. Now players can check killcams in the result screen - For Duo and Squad modes, killcam can be checked after all team members have died

 Da to su i rekli da ce dodati i napraviti jeru su ljudi trazili

15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Ma imali smo nedavno neku raspravu o tome dal će dodat il ne, jer moš steć neku prednost, al ovo je ok da ti prikaže tek nakon što ti cijeli tim pomre ak igraš duo il squad.

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Na redditu isplivala nova mapa zove se Valle Coronado

Veća slika sa prekrasnim zoomom




I još novih puškica:


Ova odrezana sačma bi mogla zauzimati slot pištolja.


I navodno zvuk i ikona za flaregun

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 23.11.2017 0:28 (Jack Sparrow).
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 2
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Behind The Myths - (PUBG - Finale)


GUIDE: How to use the NEW DP-28 LMG (Patch 1.0 preview) in PUBG

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Nerfali su M16A4, ne kuzim zasto to rade, niti je oruzje bilo OP, niti ga je puno ljudi koristilo, cak bi rekao da je spadao pod skill weapons. Valjda samo zato da promoviraju nova oruzja, uglavnom glupa odluka.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

haha kako nije? managable recoil na single fire (cak i pre managable). niko nikad nije burst furo na njem.

Laser beam je

I rate of fire mu je bogovski

15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Rocinante2112 kaže...

haha kako nije? managable recoil na single fire (cak i pre managable). niko nikad nije burst furo na njem.

Laser beam je

I rate of fire mu je bogovski

 u burstu se na blizinu puca, i kao takav rastura sve druge puške. Samo malo povučeš miš dole i u sva 3 meta iz bursta lete u metu

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 23.11.2017 12:09 (Jack Sparrow).
16 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

80% ljudi ga uopce ne koristi samo zato jer nema auto mode paljbe, neces valjda prilagodavati igru za manjinu? S druge strane pojacali su M416 koliko cujem kojeg su ionako svi koristili, sto opet nije bilo potrebno jer ce se opet smanjiti potrebni skill za kill.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
walentkane kaže...

80% ljudi ga uopce ne koristi samo zato jer nema auto mode paljbe, neces valjda prilagodavati igru za manjinu? S druge strane pojacali su M416 koliko cujem kojeg su ionako svi koristili, sto opet nije bilo potrebno jer ce se opet smanjiti potrebni skill za kill.

 Tko ga ne koristi? Shroud i takvi često na streamu kažu kako im je M16 najdraža puška. Em je lako nađeš, em ima mali recoil, na daljinu najbolji damage. A brzina metka ako ne najbrža, onda je sigurno u vrhu.

SMG na blizinu, M16 na mid i daljinu.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 23.11.2017 13:32 (Jack Sparrow).
12 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Htio je rec da ga on ne koristi kad je izmislio podatak od 80% ljudi xD

16 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Shroud nije mjerilo prosjecnog igraca, makar su sad streamovi vrlo popularni pa su ljudi stekli dojam da su igraci tipa Shroud i Grimmz svakodnevna pojava.

Odigrao sam puno meceva squad, duo i solo i znam da prosjecni igrac koji odigra sat vremena na dan ne voli M16 jer nema automatsku paljbu. To sto sam ja rekao 80% je neka moja procjena ali je sigurno bliza nek procjena da je prosjecni igrac Shroud...

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

BTW, shroud koristi makro na M16, tako da uopće nije relevantan, ali M16 je jako dobra puška. Ima najveću brzinu metka od svih AR-ova, da. Ali to što je netko napisao da ima veći damage, nije istina, svi 5.56 AR-ovi imaju isti damage po metku.


SCAR-L, bar za sad, ne znam kako će nakon patch-a, ima prednost da se čuje na najkraću udaljenost od svih pušaka.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
TomoR kaže...

BTW, shroud koristi makro na M16, tako da uopće nije relevantan, ali M16 je jako dobra puška. Ima najveću brzinu metka od svih AR-ova, da. Ali to što je netko napisao da ima veći damage, nije istina, svi 5.56 AR-ovi imaju isti damage po metku.


SCAR-L, bar za sad, ne znam kako će nakon patch-a, ima prednost da se čuje na najkraću udaljenost od svih pušaka.

 Par puta sam gledao shrouda i možda sam star i jednostavno mi više mozak ne može procesuirati da netko ima takav reaction sense i snap...ali neki mali glasić mi govori da je lik čiterčina :)


EDIT - vidi snap od 1:40 na dalje






You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 23.11.2017 13:50 (Zero2).
12 godina
Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

urpavo to,s red dot ili x4 m16a4 je odlicna pljuca. najbrzi bullet velocity (najmanje treba da metak stigne do odredista)...

Odlican rate of fire,ultra managable recoil...

Uzimam ga radije nego AKM any day (iako nevolim NATO kalibar ni puske al ajt)


15 godina
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

A da ne pričamo o burstu na m16. Moš isprašit metaka ko niti jedna puška u vrlo malo vremena.

Well... if you dont know me you cant trust me, and if you cant trust me, odds are low youll leap in front of a flying arrow to save my life.
Moj PC  
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Ova tema je sadržajno povezana sa sljedećim temama: PUBG Nickovi - da se ekipa lakše okupi
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