Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

DICE zahvaljuje na sudjelovanju u Beti i detaljnije objašnjava sistem loot crate-ova.


  • We know you have a lot of questions about Crates and progression, so we want to clarify a few things, as the complete system was not in the Beta and will continue to be tuned over time:
  • There are many things you can earn in the game, including weapons, attachments, credits, Star Cards, Emotes, Outfits and Victory Poses.
  • As a balance goal, we’re working towards having the most powerful items in the game only earnable via in-game achievements.
  • Crates will include a mix of of Star Cards, Outfits, Emotes or Victory Poses.
  • Players earn crates by completing challenges and other gameplay milestones, or by purchasing them with in-game credits or Crystals, our premium currency.
  • If you get a duplicate Star Card in a crate, you will get crafting parts which you can then use to help upgrade the Star Card of your choice.
  • And lastly, you have to earn the right to be able to upgrade Star Cards and unlock most Weapons. You can only upgrade or unlock them if you have reached a high enough rank, which is determined by playing the game.


Dakle, najjači itemi će se dobivati kroz achievmente.

Također, isključena je mogućnost da netko praktički nije ni počeo igrati, ali kupovinom crate-ova dobije Epic Star karte i krene šamarati ostale.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 12.10.2017 22:12 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

HUGE INFO DROP! (New Heroes, Kamino & More) - Star Wars Battlefront 2


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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13 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
I dalje je p2w.
Da dobijes 1hp vise za pare je p2w.
Poserem se na njih, na star wars i na one koji to odobravaju...puj puj
------ Battlelog ~ UrbanFsk ------
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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Onda nemoj kupit i vidimo se na nekoj drugoj temi.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Campaign - Droid Infiltration

Battlefront 2 Campaign - Space Combat

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Campaign - Endor Ambush

How Single-Player Stands on its Own - Star Wars Battlefront II

25 things we noticed in new Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign gameplay


Jackfrags video



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put čet 19.10.2017 20:31 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Single player kampanja navodno traje 5-8 sati.


"Earlier this week, I got to play through the earlier portions of Star Wars: Battlefront II’s single player campaign and speak to Motive’s studio producer David Robillard about the single player campaign specifically.

As soon as the single player campaign was announced earlier this year, gamers were questioning the length. We’re now happy to report that the campaign will last roughly 5-7 hours which actually seems quite decent based on the quality of what we’ve played so far.


In regards to the campaign’s length Robillard stated, “…we thought that around 5-7, maybe 8 hours is probably a good amount of time…we wanted to stay very driven towards the Star Wars fantasy that the players are going to experience and not have it be drawn out.” All up, my playthrough of the first three chapters amounted to around an hour and a half of gameplay.

As reported earlier in the year, Battlefront II will not have a paid season pass and instead all maps, modes and characters will be available for free. When asked about the possibility of some free story-related DLC Robillard said, “We’re not ready to announce anything at this time, we’ll see based on the reception the single player has, if we offer free DLC or not.”

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 - NEW MULTIPLAYER GAMEPLAY! Kamino Interior! Clone Wars! Death Star 2!


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront II: Naboo Theed - Game and Movies comparison


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Launch Trailer | Paris Games Week 2017


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

EA još više smanjio lootbox nagrade, u korist standardnog napredovanja.


  • Epic Star Cards, the highest tier of Star Cards available at launch, have been removed from Crates. To help keep everyone on a level playing field, these Star Cards will primarily be available through crafting, with the exception of special Epic Star Cards available through pre-order, deluxe, and starter packs.
  • You'll need to reach a certain rank to craft upgraded Star Cards. You won't be able to buy a bunch of Crates, grind everything up into crafting materials, and immediately use them to get super powerful Star Cards. You can only upgrade the ability to craft higher tier Star Cards by ranking up through playing the game.
  • Weapons are locked behind specific milestones. While a select few will be found in Crates, the rest can only be attained by play. Want to unlock a new weapon for your Heavy? Play as a Heavy and you’ll gain access to the class’s new weapons. 
  • Class-specific gear and items can be unlocked by playing as them. As you progress through your favorite class, you’ll hit milestones granting you class-specific Crates. These will include a mix of Star Cards and Crafting Parts to benefit your class’s development.



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 - ALL 14 HEROES GAMEPLAY! Yoda, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Rey, Luke and More!


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 - ALL GALACTIC ASSAULT Maps


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Star Wars Battlefront 2 HUGE Battle of Kashyyyk CLONE WARS GAMEPLAY


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Plan aktivnosti za prvu sezonu.


Uključuje i single player DLC (naravno besplatno).



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

How I Play: Star Wars Battlefront 2's Janina Gavankar


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

How Levels & Cards Work | Star Wars Battlefront 2


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Every Hero Ability in Star Wars Battlefront 2


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

I Paid To Win - Star Wars Battlefront 2 Review


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
Pod pritiskom javnosti, EA je ukinuo sve mikrotransakcije do daljnjega.
PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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15 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
DeniZg kaže...
Pod pritiskom javnosti, EA je ukinuo sve mikrotransakcije do daljnjega.

 Jesi kupio igru? 

steam: skank666 origin:IhrvojeI
11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Naravno, napravio sam pre-order još prije mjesec dana.


Igram sad kampanju i odlična mi je.

Osim misija sa Iden Versio, ima i misija sa Luke Skywalkerom, Leiom, Han Solom itd. 


Igrao sam i Arcade i Multiplayer i sve je odlično napravljeno.

Svemirske bitke su nevjerojatno dobro napravljene.

U multiplayeru je puno veći izbor vozila nego u jedinici.


Napredak kroz multiplayer se čini dosta spor, ali što je tu je.

Bodovi na kraju partije se dobivaju ovisno o tome koliko je trajala partija, a ne koliko si bio dobar.

Nemam nikakve nadogradnje na klasama (čuvam bodove za otključati heroje) i svejedno ne osjećam da sam inferioran.


Igra je totalno casual i to mi odgovara.

No regrets.


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 20.11.2017 13:58 (DeniZg).
15 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
DeniZg kaže...


Napredak kroz multiplayer se čini dosta spor, ali što je tu je.

Bodovi na kraju partije se dobivaju ovisno o tome koliko je trajala partija, a ne koliko si bio dobar.

Nemam nikakve nadogradnje na klasama (čuvam bodove za otključati heroje) i svejedno ne osjećam da sam inferioran.


Igra je totalno casual i to mi odgovara.

No regrets.


 Samo polako 

steam: skank666 origin:IhrvojeI
11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Da, znam za tu kalkulaciju.

Imam ja stotine sati u BF4 i BF1, pa isto nisam otključao puno stvari.


Mislim da ova igra nije napravljena za "hardcore" igrače, koji moraju imati sve otključano, lvl 110, najbolji load-out i silovati ekipu sa helićem 96-1, odmah sve u mjesec dana.


Znam da je tu na BUG forumu to teško prihvatiti, ali ima puno igrača kojima je dovoljno odigrati nekoliko partija multiplayera, malo se zahebavati u Arcade modu i otići spavati.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Iako je EA uklonio lootboxove iz igre, Lootbox Wars Saga se nastavlja. 


Belgisjki sud kvalificirao lootboxove kao kockanje, a i u USA ima onih koji misle slično

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
DeniZg kaže...

Da, znam za tu kalkulaciju.

Imam ja stotine sati u BF4 i BF1, pa isto nisam otključao puno stvari.


Mislim da ova igra nije napravljena za "hardcore" igrače, koji moraju imati sve otključano, lvl 110, najbolji load-out i silovati ekipu sa helićem 96-1, odmah sve u mjesec dana.


Znam da je tu na BUG forumu to teško prihvatiti, ali ima puno igrača kojima je dovoljno odigrati nekoliko partija multiplayera, malo se zahebavati u Arcade modu i otići spavati.

 Ma nije problem u tom otključavanju nego u tome što možeš platit da se brže otključa... A sam kažeš da je napredovanje sporo. Osobno, volim ta levelanja i otključavanja i nemam problema s time da moram odigrat neki broj sati da bi dobio nešto drugo. Battlefielde sam igrao tako da kad bi otključao sve za neku pušku ili pištolj bi prešao na drugu i tako redom dok nebi sve imao otključano (u BC 2 sam skupljap platinum zvjezdice za sva oružja) Meni je to bio gušt. Jer u biti, najboljeg oružja nema...

DeniZg kaže...

Iako je EA uklonio lootboxove iz igre, Lootbox Wars Saga se nastavlja. 


Belgisjki sud kvalificirao lootboxove kao kockanje, a i u USA ima onih koji misle slično

 Kao što rekoh gore, totalno su zasrali s ovom igrom.

steam: skank666 origin:IhrvojeI
11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Angry Joe Review


PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Re: Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4
Tak su usrali ovu igru.
Ali pritom ne mislim na lootbox cirkus, sporo napredovanje ili činjenicu da svi na kraju partije dobiju isti broj kredita, bili prvi na tablici ili AFK.
To mogu oprostiti i ne smeta me toliko.
Ali ne mogu shvatit da je svaka Galactic Conquest mapa u biti Rush/Operations i onda na svaku etapu stave chokepointove. Ko da igram faking Metro/Locker svaku hebenu mapu....
PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen kaže da kozmetički itemi baš nisu jednostavni za implementirati u Star Wars igru, kao što se to čini na prvi pogled.


"The one thing we're very focused on and they're extremely focused on is not violating the canon of Star Wars," Jorgensen said. "It's an amazing brand that's been built over many, many years. So if you did a bunch of cosmetic things, you might start to violate the canon. Darth Vader in white probably doesn't make sense, versus in black. Not to mention you probably don't want Darth Vader in pink. No offense to pink, but I don't think that's right in the canon."


Implementacija Star Warsa u usisavače se čini puno jednostavnija.



PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put sri 29.11.2017 13:52 (DeniZg).
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11 godina
Star Wars: Battlefront II - Playstation 4

Po starom dobrom običaju, DICE je krenuo popravljati igru netom nakon što je izašla.

Ovaj puta je to dobra stvar.




Today, an update went live that includes some adjustments to the economy and progression. While these are only some initial steps toward making much larger changes, some of these are ready to roll, and are available starting today.

The end-of-round payout has been increased. This is an area we agree needed to be buffed a bit, especially when it comes to rewarding players for doing well in-game. We're upping the number of Credits you get for a match across the board, and specifically bumping the top players on each team by even more. 

Earn 3X more Credits daily in Arcade Mode. It's been made clear that you were hitting the Arcade Mode Credit cap faster than we expected, so we wanted to alleviate that by increasing it to 1500 Credits. While we're still looking into ways to add more content into it the mode in the long-term, we think that this should help in the near-term for those who want rewards for completing the different scenarios. 

Daily Login Crates will now provide more crafting parts than before. You'll notice the change right away when you log in. Crafting the Star Cards you want will help make sure you're progressing in the direction you want, and we absolutely wantto empower that. This should help you get where you want to go faster when it comes to crafting and upgrading.

Things kick into high gear over the next few weeks, during the Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II The Last Jedi Season, with free* heroes, maps, and vehicles. Stormtrooper-turned-hero Finn joins the fight for the Resistance and Captain Phasma steps on to the battlefront for the First Order. New locations and vehicles will also arrive: you can fight on the ground on the salt-covered planet of Crait in Galactic Assault mode, or take to space in the Starfighter Assault map of D'Qar (flying Tallie Lintra's RZ-2 A-wing, a vehicle you'll be seeing in the film).

And, of course, Iden Versio returns in Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II Resurrection during the days of the First Order’s rise to power. These new chapters of Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II’s single-player story mode will be available December 13.

PSN - DeniZg80, Youtube channel:
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