Escape from Tarkov

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Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov 


Dear friends! We are pleased to present you with a transcript of an interview with the COO of Battlestate Games studio Nikita Buyanov, which was taken from him by the Russian-speaking emissary of Escape from Tarkov.

Q: That is a source of inspiration for you in the development of the Russia 2028 universe?

A: Well, we have to understand that you can come up with anything, but implementing it is another matter. Implementation is the first and the main stumbling block. Inspiration is a complex concept. Earlier it could be felt or even anticipated. Earlier it was possible for me to reach it by doing something, and to keep myself in a certain state of mind and mood, thus getting inspiration as an artist. Now, however, due to the complexity of the process of translating ideas into reality, it is very difficult to get this kind of inspiration. However, in a motivational aspect, results of our team’s efforts and the positive player feedback are still very inspiring.

Q: Are there any sources of inspiration in the form of games or music?

A: Yes of course, these are some of the basic sources. Lately, I’ve taken to Dark Ambient - melodious bleak and sometimes sinister music. I also watch different kinds of movies.

Q: In 2014, either you or Kiba mentioned on the stream that book on the Russia 2028 universe is almost ready. When we’ll be able to see it?

A: Yes, we’ve been putting this off for quite a while, since the process is associated with a creative impulse and the aforementioned inspiration that does not only depend on me, but also on my comrade, who was the one writing this book. It's still in the plan and hasn’t been canceled, now we just need to take a break and return to this idea in the future, rethink and finish it.

Q: Basically, as soon as possible, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: In addition to the three current projects: Contract Wars, Ops Hired and Escape From Tarkov and future Russia 2028, are there any other projects planned?

A: Well, I have lots of interesting things stored away in my head. But generally, we plan to focus on further development of this universe, it has some surprising sides of which you are not even aware of. There are ideas that are radically different from current projects, but they have one principle in common - they are all serious, complex, hardcore games.

Q: How’s it going with Russia 2028? Is there any development going on, at least at design stage?

A: Russia 2028 is the world that needs even more to be done and developed. Escape From Tarkov is an integral part of this world, its physical prototype. What happens in Escape From Tarkov, shall carry on further in Russia 2028 several years later. We have the story, the whole concept, a clear understanding of gameplay. It will be a single player game. Full potential accumulated in the EFT will also be implemented in Russia 2028. That will be, in fact, an evolution of EFT with better graphics, more comfortable, with a great storyline, but in frame of a singleplayer game.

Q: Regarding the environment. In sketches and concept artworks, as well as in the old Russia 2028 gameplay video, we saw sheer darkness and devastation, almost a world on the brink of postapocalypse. Is it possible that these are consequences of the activities of a single company (TerraGroup)?

A: TerraGroup is just a tip of the iceberg. I won't reveal all the details.

Russia 2028 world will be so grim because it’s a post-war world, the collapse of civilization. This is a complete Fallout lookalike, just harder living conditions. EFT, but with sharp changes in the weather, radiation and biological contamination spots, etc.

Q: (A few months ago there was a news piece news about the Sherpas stating that they, along with Emissaries, will be able to provide assistance kits. But since then, there’s been no word on the Sherpas.)

When can we expect the implementation of functional Sherpas? And what will this assistance include?

A: It will be equipment packages which will be issued once a certain amount of time. It can be implemented right now, but we're not doing this because there are still aspects of items transfer via chat that we want to adjust. The mechanism would resemble returning insured items.

Q: There are often posts on the forum with reports from or invitations to EFT-themed airsoft games, what do you think of this kind of activities? Any advice?

A: That is awesome, I’m highly positive about them, even more so, I often to express my approval and support. We support these initiatives and try to help. In the office, Kiba sets up very cool games himself. Maybe we will have another game soon and invite the press to it.

Q: Shall we expect new developer diaries?

A: We have the desire to make them and topics to cover, but now we just don't have the time, because it is time-consuming and distracts us from the ongoing tasks.

Q: Terminal Automated Radio Relay Service, what is it? Is it involved somehow in the EFT story?

A: And how! Pretty heavily involved, I’d say. I can not disclose it to you, but this automated relay, and everything that was on it, it all relates to the game and has a meaning. You may have noticed that the screenshots of a Hideout mention it as well. Moreover, this system is installed on the laptop. We plan to move all of this into the game, to make this terminal accessible directly in the game from the Hideout. This is not the main subject, not the main mystery, but it is featured throughout the entire universe.

Q: And can I say that this terminal is similar to the numbers stations?

A: No. This terminal allows, for instance, hacking into city tracking system through public protocols. We create our own parallel universe by analogy with the current geopolitical situation.

Q: Then, fans of games like Watch Dogs will have something to do too?

A: Not sure. We’re very different from WatchDogs.

Q: Have you ever thought of making EFT on another engine?

A: Well, now it is unreasonable, too much is implemented in Unity. As for a new project... First we need to finish the EFT on Unity, and then we’ll see.

Q: It was promised that transition to the new version of Unity will enable anti-aliasing. Why is this not done?

A: Well, it’s complicated. In fact, there is no anti-aliasing, per se, in Different Rendering. At least not in its classic meaning. There is a multisampling, and it is unclear how to implement it on Unity. We haven't even seriously researched this issue yet, but we definitely will.

Q: Aiming mode framerate often drops to 30 fps, even on the most powerful computers, this is especially noticeable when using optics. Will that get fixed and optimized?

A: Any aiming, which changes the FOV (Field Of View) somehow triggers grass re-rendering in Unity. Nothing can be done about it, it causes a peak that lowers fps. This bug was reported to Unity a good while ago, but they are yet to fix it. That was the first reason.

The second is, when we look down the scope we have two cameras working at the same time, and that increases the number of objects to render. But it is a price of the realism. There are two options, either we do everything like in the classic shooters and waive the lens, or come up with something else. We are likely to think of something else.

Q: When approximately is it worth waiting for implementation of the features that were previously shown in the videos (e.g. lockpicking with multitool)?

A: Coming soon. We are working on it at the moment. We have not implemented them immediately because we had to rewrite half of the game for the sake of optimization. Everything that was planned remains planned, including lockpicking.

Q: Since the start of the Alpha there was a bug when opening door with a key and repeatedly pressing the action button caused character hands to freeze, as well as items in the inventory (it was impossible to shoot, reload and change weapons). It also occurred while picking items, opening boxes and changing modifications. It’s already beta, but bug is still here, will it get fixed?

A: It has been tested, but we could not reproduce this bug. If you encountered it, please report it to support. This problem with freezes is a cornerstone one. We had to do certain things differently in the past. Ideally, we need to rewrite part of the game, but under current conditions we will just look for such cases and close them.

Q: Will you add knocking down enemy? I.e. deal with the cases when the character has lower limbs destroyed, but is still standing?

A: This is an animated Ragdoll (type of procedural animation) that allows us to fall off the feet and get up, just as in GTA. This is a serious task which is planned, but haven't been done yet because it causes network synchronization problems.

Q: Will the stash get reorganized? For example, would it be possible to sort the items in it?

A: It will. We even has the sorting, just turned it off due to certain problems. There will be one more option to view inventory, as a list.

Q: Is it possible to learn any details about the player Hideout? Can we use the stash from there, for example?

A: There's a whole list of Q&A on that. Hideout is a visual representation of you. At start it will only feature bare minimum - a shooting range to shoot and ability to use certain crafting opportunities. But gradually, over time, we’ll add interactions, turning water on or something like that. The stash will be dynamically displayed, if there are indeed come canned foods, you’ll see them standing in the Hideout. We are now going from minimum to maximum. The stash is a fairly complex system, so please don’t expect complete interactivity immediately.

Q: Will there be a narrative training in the game? For example, the player will have to pass a small location that will teach to handle weapons, load mags, distributing them in the vest.

A: Something like that is planned. The very first singleplayer location. We are still discussing what should be there, what kind of training. We do not want the to tell player how to play the game in detail on purpose. But it will cover the basic aspects such as controls.

Q: Will the barter mechanics be changed? Right now, players complain that for exchanging a few items you need to look for a pile of junk, as a result, the inventory becomes clogged with unnecessary things, which is especially hurting for players with Standard Edition.

A: Well, firstly the stash will be extendable. And secondly, how else? Any question you can ask about EFT has a reply: how would it go down in real life? Moreover, there is yet no marketplace where you could get the required items through other schemes or with other conditions. Now you cannot analyze the EFT economy system, because now there are yet no marketplace and no auctions, and, most importantly, no extended trader artificial intelligence system which is getting done now. Traders only have the basic AI at this point, they don't behave like people yet. They will change prices, dump, etc. As of now, the prices do not change. Market value is not changed in any way, but it will start to with the implementation of the marketplace. The goods will begin to lose value.

The economy is going to live by itself without our intervention. Now we still have to add the goods and money, but we won’t have to do it afterwards. E.g., if trader runs out of money, he will have to find a solution with his own AI. Raise the price on a certain product or something else.

Q: What will be difference between quests and barter? According to preliminary screenshots we can see that completing the task with Prapor and bringing him three MR-133 will get us rewarded with Saiga. Barter mechanics is roughly the same.

A: First, those screenshots no longer reflect reality. Now everything is different.

Soon we will introduce quests, they now are being tested. These will be basic quests with the three traders.

We'll give later the material on the quests later. But the point is that we now use the maximum variety of quests to diversify the gameplay related to them. Next step will be introducing personal quests - thoughts and research aimed at story development.

Q: Will the character take notes, as in the classic RPG, to uncover the full scope of the story?

A: Character notes, diaries are the essence of these personal quests which are instrumental to the story, and everything else, while also important, is to larger extent just a tool for earning experience, standing, goods, items. You can make your notes yourself. There is a special topic for that.

Q: Will there be karma or fines for players who abuse Scav gameplay? That is, kill their own and leave the location.

A: Definitely yes, they will be punished, we’re thinking of ways to do it realistically. The main character's karma system is still in development. We have not linked it with the Scav karma yet, but most likely we will make it common. I.e. actions as Scav can affect karma of the main character.

Q: I hope it will not be like Contract Wars, where players rate each other?

A: No, it won't be. Karma is your actions in the game.

Q: Freeroam. What will it be? As in Stalker, moving from location to location with loading?

Or will it be one big map in many square kilometers large which will unite all in one location?

A: This will be one location which includes all others.

Q: Will PCs manage such spaces?

A: They should, because we will use streaming (i.e. loading whatever is located before that character and unloading what is left behind).

Q: The game will feature the arena mode. Is it possible to use it as a platform for cybersport competitions?

A: Easily. Turning Arena into something of Tournament functionality is now under active discussion. The key point is that Arena will be ruled by skill. Of locations there will be not only the


Q: Why is PMC operative Starter Kit so poor?

A: Events at the beginning of the game will explain how it happened.

Q: At what stage in the development should character customization be expected?

A: Three addition pairs of hands and lower body sets are ready at the moment. In total, four versions of the top and bottom. Heads are more difficult to do for now, but the head, obviously, cannot be changed, you can only choose it at the beginning of the game. Functionality: change of pants or outerwear will be provided as a trader service, it won’t influence anything, just visuals.

Q: And what about customization of the MOLLE systems?

A: It is a complex of tasks associated with the modification of equipment. The functionality will be similar to the modification of the weapons: there will be slots that can be equipped with various pouches. For instance, there will be a helmet on which you can modify the visor, armor pads, NVD mount.

Q: How are contacts made between the producer of equipment and weapons and Battlestate Games?

A: Usually, there are two options. Either we write somebody, or somebody writes to us. Generally, it is us getting letters from producers who would like to see their products in our game. And that’s it. We start to communicate. Just a friendly arrangement.

Q: Then the item is getting inspected and modeled?

A: Yes, they can send it to us or we can go shooting to them, record sounds and do other stuff that we need done. For instance, equipment is almost every time delivered to us. Of course, it is much more complicated with foreign companies, delivering from abroad can be difficult, and there are other problems - weapons can’t be delivered here. However, companies are still ready to ship us gear.

Q: Will AK-12 be included? For example, in Contract Wars and Hired Ops there are AK-12 assembled in 2013.

A: We have AK-12 lists. Moreover we have the pictures of that old AK-12 (2013 issue). The same situation here as with Glock style pistols, there are 4 generations, and we are now doing the third generation model. It's the same with AK-12 - we can make the model of year 2012, or the species from 2016.

Q: What about exclusives such as VAL mod.3 and TKPD?

A: VAL mod. 3 is essentially just a bodykit: handguard, shortened barrel, modified stock and grip. Nothing prevents players from customizing VAL to get mod. 3 eventually. Same thing with TKPD. Some traders, however, might sell already already assembled options.

Q: That is not excluded? The concept is not violated?

A: It is not excluded. When we have collected all the weapons to be in EFT, we relied on the universe as a whole. And the universe includes the Contract Wars too as an active phase of the BEAR and USEC confrontation. Weapons used in it have not disappeared.

Q: The Contract Wars featured about a hundred different weapons. Will it be about the same in EFT?

A: More. Well, let’s see - three options of AKSU. 2 options of Kedr. That is, if you take all the modifications that will be a lot of weapons.

Q: Why waive the belt-fed machineguns?

A: We didn’t cancel them, just postponing their production for a while because they are very time-consuming at the moment. We’ll spend a lot of time on them, and they will be specific-purpose weapons, not for mass use. For now we’d better concentrate on more massively used weapons. That will actually be used, rather than collecting dust in caches (like DVL). In the future, of course we shall do them too. Lack of certain weapon is also temporary. For example, MP-5 is now rarely used due to complexity of purchase and barter, but appearance of USEC bots will change that.

Q: Will EFT be released on disks, Collector's Edition maybe?

A: Probably, closer to release. A limited batch of discs, but what will be included on the we haven’t thought through yet.

Final words:

The most interesting events of EFT are only just beginning. It will always be interesting. Every new location will be like a new game. Location-wise, we are finishing the Shoreline now, which lacks its main part - the health resort, which is essentially a mini-city. Beside the resort, there will also be hydroelectric power plant and a large piece of forest.

With every upgrade we will improve performance, and introduce features that have long been discussed.

Thank you very much for supporting us. I’d like to see the EFT community transforming into something more, a hardcore-loving community.

The original interview in Russian can be found here:



Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 2
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov at GamesCom 2017


Dear players!

This year, Battlestate Games once again participates in the largest gaming exhibition in Europe - Gamescom, which will be held in Cologne, Germany. This year, EFT will provide an opportunity for the press to try out the gameplay of the long-awaited closed beta and new game mechanics - the system of quests and tasks.


The quest system is largely based on various tasks that are handed out to player by traders. By solving these tasks, the player improves reputation with the traders, unlocks new quests, receives experience and rewards. Step by step, performing one quest after another, player dives deeper into the world of EFT. Gradually gathering pieces of information on what's happening in the city, players will study the motivations of the traders, evaluate them and choose sides which seem the most natural and closest to their characters. Some of the quests impose penalties and/or restrictions on the time of completion, some may dramatically harm relations with other traders. The nature of tasks can be different: search for item, search for specific spots, trading tasks, tasks related to interaction with other traders, target neutralization jobs, radio beacon and jamming devices installations, etc.


Moreover, those who can’t come to Cologne, won’t be forsaken either! For them, there will be a live broadcast from the Twitch stage show (Wednesday August 23nd at 3:30pm - 3:45pm // 15:30 - 15:45 CEST) during which we will show you the quest gameplay, answer to your questions and stage a CBT access keys giveaway. 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Gamescom News Escape From Tarkov

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Levelcrap priča o igri.


Uglavno glavna mana izgleda kao isto ono što je DayZ i slične igre mučilo. Nema nekog cilja u igri, sav taj loot da bi mogoa lakše doći do bolje loota. I što onda?

Moj PC  
1 1 hvala 0
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov


Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
3 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Levelcrap priča o igri.


Uglavno glavna mana izgleda kao isto ono što je DayZ i slične igre mučilo. Nema nekog cilja u igri, sav taj loot da bi mogoa lakše doći do bolje loota. I što onda?

 Kakav je cilj u PUGB ili bilo kojem drugom shooteru kojeg igras? Win, score, chikken dinner u prijevodu K U R Č I N A!

Cilj igre je progress, tezina i osjecaj panike/tjeskobe koju ti ni Day Z nije mogao donjet jos kao + nemas sate dosadnog trcanja za par minuta adrenalina. Kao i u svakom shooteru ganjas bolji loot, levelas tradere za bolji loot i boris se na tezim mapama protiv gearanih ljudi. Od pocetka gdje s pistoljicem molis boga da te niko ne primjeti da pokupis sta iz koje zelene kutije ubijas Scava za shotgun do late game gdje se fokusiras na lov na gearane playere i squadove. Ovakvu vrstu igre moras voljeti.
Btw sljedeci patch dolaze questovi od tradera, a i ptica na grani zna da ce finalni produkt imati mini bazu, open world etc. Iskreno nakon 1001 free roam mapa 100 kilometara prezivi sam faila ovaj koncept s raidovima mi je fenomenalan jer je nin sto nabijeno adrenalinom.

Tako da ignoriraj review Call of Doody wana be kretena koji ne kuzi koncept igre.

Pogledao video lik se usmrdio ocigledno mu ne lezi taj stil igre, nije za njega "in other games you get cool visual items or fight TDM for scoreboard" na kraju place kako mu igra ima super setting ali mu ne odgovara sto moze izgubiti sav loot, sto se tice plakanja oko extraction pointa imas ih po 3-4 po mapi i neki su sigurniji, (recimo zakljucani) tako da ako imas kljuc doslovno si 100% siguran da niko nece biti tamo. Igra nije za lika i jede govna, u ostalom gameplay mu je ko da mu je netko poklonio sav gear da se malo poigra nakon sto 6 mjeseci ju nije pipnuo.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 27.8.2017 11:01 (D3ViL).
15 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov

Ma to sam izvadio njegov kratki uvid onog što je on rekao,a ne ja. Ako netko slučajno ne želi gledati cijeli video. 


Al kad pitaš.

Pa u PUBG lootaš da bi lakše pobjedio, da dobiješ prednost na drugim likom i na kraju pobjediš taj game.

Ovdje lootaš, da bi kasnije lakše lootao i preživio. Nakupiše se loota onda odeš u bazu spremiti i nakon toga opet odeš van da bi skupio još loota, a sve to nema neki određeni cilj. To je ono što je lik htio reći, igra nema neki određeni cilj kojem bi se težilo.A cilj je ustvari loot ili preživjeti raid.


Drugi ni jedan FPS ne možeš uspoređivati kad tamo nemaš loota, nego dobiješ pušku i onda moraš sa teamworkom pobjediti, cilj je pobjeda. Ovo je ipak survival FPS. Mix WarZ/Infestationa i DayZ-a.

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 27.8.2017 12:40 (Jack Sparrow).
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov

A nije spomenuo modding oružja 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Levelcrap priča o igri.


Uglavno glavna mana izgleda kao isto ono što je DayZ i slične igre mučilo. Nema nekog cilja u igri, sav taj loot da bi mogoa lakše doći do bolje loota. I što onda?

 ovdje to je problem u dayz-u za mene to nije problem jos iz vremena arma 2 dayz-a to je sandbox to il volis il ne....nema to cilja zato se i zove tebi moze biti mana a to je onda druga stvar...dayz je tako i terebao izgledat jos od arma 2 moda sand box mozes pomagat drugima mozes ubijat druge mozes sto te volja mozes trollati mozes sto pozelis cilj sam sebi stvaras..u modu su onda poslje dodavali heroje i bandite pa je netko htio bit heroj netko je htio ubijat te heroje i bit bandit a netko bi se recimo setao naso pusku upuca nekog full gear i sjeba mu potoseno vrime na gear i to je sva politika igre i uglavnom svi pokusavali prizivit sta duze i ubit sta definitivno nije mana igre koja je sandbox......

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put ned 27.8.2017 15:41 (Ipe77).
16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Ma to sam izvadio njegov kratki uvid onog što je on rekao,a ne ja. Ako netko slučajno ne želi gledati cijeli video. 


Al kad pitaš.

Pa u PUBG lootaš da bi lakše pobjedio, da dobiješ prednost na drugim likom i na kraju pobjediš taj game.

Ovdje lootaš, da bi kasnije lakše lootao i preživio. Nakupiše se loota onda odeš u bazu spremiti i nakon toga opet odeš van da bi skupio još loota, a sve to nema neki određeni cilj. To je ono što je lik htio reći, igra nema neki određeni cilj kojem bi se težilo.A cilj je ustvari loot ili preživjeti raid.


Drugi ni jedan FPS ne možeš uspoređivati kad tamo nemaš loota, nego dobiješ pušku i onda moraš sa teamworkom pobjediti, cilj je pobjeda. Ovo je ipak survival FPS. Mix WarZ/Infestationa i DayZ-a.

 Isti je cilj samo sto je ovdje veci rizik i veca napetost, lootanje je teze. Realno kad si zadnji u PUBG sta dobijes? Chiken dinner? Ono K U R C I N A ovdje ti je isto kad prezivis RAID, dobio si kao nagradu odredjeni loot koji onda ili koristis ili prodas da bi kupio bolji loot i prezivio tezi raid s tezim protivnicima. Problem njegovog review je (kao sto su rekli u komntarima) sto je on dobio sve na pladnju plasirano, ima press release verziju igre s odmah max stash i svim end game itemima, onda kad je u startu uzeo najbolji armor i pusku pa to izgubio od nekog s pistoljem ko je sposobniji od njega osjecao se "prevaren" to sto je koristio nije ZARADIO vec DOBIO, i propustio je taj najbitnjij dio kad od niceg radis ka necemu.

PUBG je fenomenalan, al ne mogu ti opisat kakav je osjecaj kad startam Tarkov s Makarovom, ubijem lika s shotgunom, tim shotgunom ubijem lika s kalasem i uzmem mu taj kalas i armor pa pobjegnem iz raida. Znaci adrenalin na 1000% i sve kontam dal cu primit metak dok to lootam, u PUBG ako me ubije, meh NEW GAME i nikome nista. 

Al to nije za svakoga, ti svakako kupi da imam s kim igrat! :p
15 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Ipe77 kaže...

 ovdje to je problem u dayz-u za mene to nije problem jos iz vremena arma 2 dayz-a to je sandbox to il volis il ne....nema to cilja zato se i zove tebi moze biti mana a to je onda druga stvar...dayz je tako i terebao izgledat jos od arma 2 moda sand box mozes pomagat drugima mozes ubijat druge mozes sto te volja mozes trollati mozes sto pozelis cilj sam sebi stvaras..u modu su onda poslje dodavali heroje i bandite pa je netko htio bit heroj netko je htio ubijat te heroje i bit bandit a netko bi se recimo setao naso pusku upuca nekog full gear i sjeba mu potoseno vrime na gear i to je sva politika igre i uglavnom svi pokusavali prizivit sta duze i ubit sta definitivno nije mana igre koja je sandbox......

 Da ali dayz nije standardni sandbox jer moraš preživljavati. Mod je ima dosta više toga za raditi nego standalone koji je došao bez dosta toga. Zambiji svedeni na minimum, puški tek nekoliko(barem na početku), a pošto je igra survival nije baš teško bilo preživjeti pošto si medicinu i hranu nalazio lako, a osim zombija samo ti drugi ljudi bili prijetnja. Pošto je velika mapa i dosta se ljudi izbjegavalo, na kraju su svi obično išli u Cherno ili Military kako bi se napucavali jer nisu imali šta drugo raditi. Al dosta o DayZ samo sam spomenuo da ima isti problem što ga je i u DayZ mučio.

D3ViL kaže...

 Isti je cilj samo sto je ovdje veci rizik i veca napetost, lootanje je teze. Realno kad si zadnji u PUBG sta dobijes? Chiken dinner? Ono K U R C I N A ovdje ti je isto kad prezivis RAID, dobio si kao nagradu odredjeni loot koji onda ili koristis ili prodas da bi kupio bolji loot i prezivio tezi raid s tezim protivnicima. Problem njegovog review je (kao sto su rekli u komntarima) sto je on dobio sve na pladnju plasirano, ima press release verziju igre s odmah max stash i svim end game itemima, onda kad je u startu uzeo najbolji armor i pusku pa to izgubio od nekog s pistoljem ko je sposobniji od njega osjecao se "prevaren" to sto je koristio nije ZARADIO vec DOBIO, i propustio je taj najbitnjij dio kad od niceg radis ka necemu.

PUBG je fenomenalan, al ne mogu ti opisat kakav je osjecaj kad startam Tarkov s Makarovom, ubijem lika s shotgunom, tim shotgunom ubijem lika s kalasem i uzmem mu taj kalas i armor pa pobjegnem iz raida. Znaci adrenalin na 1000% i sve kontam dal cu primit metak dok to lootam, u PUBG ako me ubije, meh NEW GAME i nikome nista. 

Al to nije za svakoga, ti svakako kupi da imam s kim igrat! :p

 Ma devil znam ja to. Igrao sam WarZ ima nekih 200 sati ili čak više. Ona napetost kada imaš konačno dobar sniper, a likovi pucaju po tebi pa se usereš da ćeš ga izgubiti ili ti potratiti 2-3 sata lootanja i sve ti uzeti. Ja kužim sve ovo, samo sam ukratko napisao Levelcrapov review.

16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...

 Ma devil znam ja to. Igrao sam WarZ ima nekih 200 sati ili čak više. Ona napetost kada imaš konačno dobar sniper, a likovi pucaju po tebi pa se usereš da ćeš ga izgubiti ili ti potratiti 2-3 sata lootanja i sve ti uzeti. Ja kužim sve ovo, samo sam ukratko napisao Levelcrapov review.

 Samo sto ovdje nema te dosade roamanja kao u Day Z pretpostavljam i u War Z isto sto je bilo, i naci samu pusku je super ali moras ju i nabrijati attachmentima da bi bila optimalna imati pravu municiju. Meni vec par dana M4A1 stoji u Stash i polako ju nbrijavam, cekam Fortarmor i kacigu. DO tad necu ju ni taknut :D
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
D3ViL kaže...
Jack Sparrow kaže...

 Ma devil znam ja to. Igrao sam WarZ ima nekih 200 sati ili čak više. Ona napetost kada imaš konačno dobar sniper, a likovi pucaju po tebi pa se usereš da ćeš ga izgubiti ili ti potratiti 2-3 sata lootanja i sve ti uzeti. Ja kužim sve ovo, samo sam ukratko napisao Levelcrapov review.

 Samo sto ovdje nema te dosade roamanja kao u Day Z pretpostavljam i u War Z isto sto je bilo, i naci samu pusku je super ali moras ju i nabrijati attachmentima da bi bila optimalna imati pravu municiju. Meni vec par dana M4A1 stoji u Stash i polako ju nbrijavam, cekam Fortarmor i kacigu. DO tad necu ju ni taknut :D

 Pa jebo te ja sam već četvrti m4 kupio i Izgubio.... :) 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...
Ipe77 kaže...

 ovdje to je problem u dayz-u za mene to nije problem jos iz vremena arma 2 dayz-a to je sandbox to il volis il ne....nema to cilja zato se i zove tebi moze biti mana a to je onda druga stvar...dayz je tako i terebao izgledat jos od arma 2 moda sand box mozes pomagat drugima mozes ubijat druge mozes sto te volja mozes trollati mozes sto pozelis cilj sam sebi stvaras..u modu su onda poslje dodavali heroje i bandite pa je netko htio bit heroj netko je htio ubijat te heroje i bit bandit a netko bi se recimo setao naso pusku upuca nekog full gear i sjeba mu potoseno vrime na gear i to je sva politika igre i uglavnom svi pokusavali prizivit sta duze i ubit sta definitivno nije mana igre koja je sandbox......

 Da ali dayz nije standardni sandbox jer moraš preživljavati. Mod je ima dosta više toga za raditi nego standalone koji je došao bez dosta toga. Zambiji svedeni na minimum, puški tek nekoliko(barem na početku), a pošto je igra survival nije baš teško bilo preživjeti pošto si medicinu i hranu nalazio lako, a osim zombija samo ti drugi ljudi bili prijetnja. Pošto je velika mapa i dosta se ljudi izbjegavalo, na kraju su svi obično išli u Cherno ili Military kako bi se napucavali jer nisu imali šta drugo raditi. Al dosta o DayZ samo sam spomenuo da ima isti problem što ga je i u DayZ mučio.

D3ViL kaže...

 Isti je cilj samo sto je ovdje veci rizik i veca napetost, lootanje je teze. Realno kad si zadnji u PUBG sta dobijes? Chiken dinner? Ono K U R C I N A ovdje ti je isto kad prezivis RAID, dobio si kao nagradu odredjeni loot koji onda ili koristis ili prodas da bi kupio bolji loot i prezivio tezi raid s tezim protivnicima. Problem njegovog review je (kao sto su rekli u komntarima) sto je on dobio sve na pladnju plasirano, ima press release verziju igre s odmah max stash i svim end game itemima, onda kad je u startu uzeo najbolji armor i pusku pa to izgubio od nekog s pistoljem ko je sposobniji od njega osjecao se "prevaren" to sto je koristio nije ZARADIO vec DOBIO, i propustio je taj najbitnjij dio kad od niceg radis ka necemu.

PUBG je fenomenalan, al ne mogu ti opisat kakav je osjecaj kad startam Tarkov s Makarovom, ubijem lika s shotgunom, tim shotgunom ubijem lika s kalasem i uzmem mu taj kalas i armor pa pobjegnem iz raida. Znaci adrenalin na 1000% i sve kontam dal cu primit metak dok to lootam, u PUBG ako me ubije, meh NEW GAME i nikome nista. 

Al to nije za svakoga, ti svakako kupi da imam s kim igrat! :p

 Ma devil znam ja to. Igrao sam WarZ ima nekih 200 sati ili čak više. Ona napetost kada imaš konačno dobar sniper, a likovi pucaju po tebi pa se usereš da ćeš ga izgubiti ili ti potratiti 2-3 sata lootanja i sve ti uzeti. Ja kužim sve ovo, samo sam ukratko napisao Levelcrapov review.

 escape of tarkov je  pay2win neke vrste koliko sam se upozna i mislim na nece uspejeti nikako taman i da nije pay2win...........a kakav je to molim te ne standardi sandbox upoznaj se malo bolje s tom rijeci pa ces skuzit da nemas standardni i ne standardni,sandbox je sandbox i to je amen.....i vidim da nisi upoznat dovoljno s modom koji je imamo kud i kamo manje stvari u svom samom pocetku tu pricam o Arma 2 DayZ mod Vanilla a ne poslje sto je dosa epoch overpoch i ti modovi koji su imali puno vise sadrzaja........dayz nema cilj niti ga triba imati bitno da sve radi kako spada barem donekle i onda se to moze igrati fino a cilj sandboxa postavljas sam sebi.....................................ali necemo offtopic ti imas svoje misljenje ja svoje i to ce bit isprazna tema vec vidim....

16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Soldier977 kaže...

 Pa jebo te ja sam već četvrti m4 kupio i Izgubio.... :) 

 Ma ja vec neko vrijeme imam igru al me drzapa PUBG manija, sad vec lagano od zabave PUBG vise prerasta u frustriranje, prigovaranje sto nisi gledao sto nisi ovo, ono pa poceo Tarkov bas ozbiljnije svaki dan igrat. Factory sam prosao svaki cosak, nasao key i sad lagano Customs istrazujem, ne zurim se gustam se u igri. Traderi su mi LVL 3 ja sam lvl 26 cini mi se i lagano uzivam! 

Evo trenutno stash izgubio sam par puskica danas
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
D3ViL kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...

 Pa jebo te ja sam već četvrti m4 kupio i Izgubio.... :) 

 Ma ja vec neko vrijeme imam igru al me drzapa PUBG manija, sad vec lagano od zabave PUBG vise prerasta u frustriranje, prigovaranje sto nisi gledao sto nisi ovo, ono pa poceo Tarkov bas ozbiljnije svaki dan igrat. Factory sam prosao svaki cosak, nasao key i sad lagano Customs istrazujem, ne zurim se gustam se u igri. Traderi su mi LVL 3 ja sam lvl 26 cini mi se i lagano uzivam! 

Evo trenutno stash izgubio sam par puskica danas 

 Ja jos nisam factory key pokupio.... 


Sve do sad što sam našaos am prodao. Imam u stashu dvije puške, i po potrebi kupim šta mi treba. Ionako ide reset kada bude novi patch za nekih 3 tjedna 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
15 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Ipe77 kaže...

 escape of tarkov je  pay2win neke vrste koliko sam se upozna i mislim na nece uspejeti nikako taman i da nije pay2win...........a kakav je to molim te ne standardi sandbox upoznaj se malo bolje s tom rijeci pa ces skuzit da nemas standardni i ne standardni,sandbox je sandbox i to je amen.....i vidim da nisi upoznat dovoljno s modom koji je imamo kud i kamo manje stvari u svom samom pocetku tu pricam o Arma 2 DayZ mod Vanilla a ne poslje sto je dosa epoch overpoch i ti modovi koji su imali puno vise sadrzaja........dayz nema cilj niti ga triba imati bitno da sve radi kako spada barem donekle i onda se to moze igrati fino a cilj sandboxa postavljas sam sebi.....................................ali necemo offtopic ti imas svoje misljenje ja svoje i to ce bit isprazna tema vec vidim....

 Sandbox ili ti open world ti je sve jedno. Igra gdje možeš free roamati, pod standardni sam mislio da nije kao gta ili minecraft ili fallout ili čak pubg jer ovdje nemaš baš šta za raditi jednom kad isprobaš neke stvari. Ove igre su sandbox pa opet imaju svoje misije, živi svijet itd. WarZ je bio to pa opet dodavali nekakvi sustav napredovanje lika, jako puno zombija, safe zone, bandite i šerife, spremanje loota itd itd.


Dok u DayZ jednom kad isprobaš dosta stvari nema baš nešto za raditi. Recimo fallout, gta, farcry 3 su mi jedne od omiljenih igri a sandbox su. Ali u DayZ Standalone nakon 50 sati nisam više imao ništa za raditi, zombija praktički nije ni bilo, lotaš dosta brzo, a playera lako izbjegneš. Sve se na kraju svodilo idemo u černo ili north se pobiti. 


Ali kak si rekao svakome paše nešto.


Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.8.2017 1:32 (Jack Sparrow).
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov
Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.8.2017 11:11 (Soldier977).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
16 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Znaci sad sam se preznijio..., ubio sam 5 ljudi od tog 3 su imala SAIGU!!!! Ja krenuo s onom poluautomatskom pumperkom sto ima 4 metka, nasao u lockersima mali kalash, pokupio 2 Saige i onda u onoj zakljucanoj Factory sobi nadjem veliki kalash. . ., toliko loot a ne mogu nositi sve 

Jos kad sam krenuo iz Factory sobe neki me prdonja rani u nogu, splintom se pokrpam, zabijem ga i uteknem..., factory key je ZAKON!!!
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pon 28.8.2017 21:27 (D3ViL).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
D3ViL kaže...

Znaci sad sam se preznijio..., ubio sam 5 ljudi od tog 3 su imala SAIGU!!!! Ja krenuo s onom poluautomatskom pumperkom sto ima 4 metka, nasao u lockersima mali kalash, pokupio 2 Saige i onda u onoj zakljucanoj Factory sobi nadjem veliki kalash. . ., toliko loot a ne mogu nositi sve 

Jos kad sam krenuo iz Factory sobe neki me prdonja rani u nogu, splintom se pokrpam, zabijem ga i uteknem..., factory key je ZAKON!!!

 Moram taj fuckin factory key naći....


Devil, zovem te večeras da bacimo koju.



Nisam napetiju igru igao nikad. ne mogu na večer zaspati odmah poslije igranja nema šanse. 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.8.2017 9:28 (Soldier977).
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Evo na českom siteu mali review sa Gamescoma. (google translate uradi dobar posao)

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
15 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Ček da bi igrao igru moraš kupiti onu drugu verziju igre za 50-60€ u kojoj piše early access? Jer u prvoj piše samo zagarantirani ulaz u closed betu.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Ček da bi igrao igru moraš kupiti onu drugu verziju igre za 50-60€ u kojoj piše early access? Jer u prvoj piše samo zagarantirani ulaz u closed betu.

 Igra je već u closed beti i kupnjom "najjeftinije" verzije imaš automatski pristup.





16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Soldier977 kaže...


Devil, zovem te večeras da bacimo koju.


Dodaj me na steam pa se dogovorimo za koju partiju.
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
D3ViL kaže...
Soldier977 kaže...


Devil, zovem te večeras da bacimo koju.


Dodaj me na steam pa se dogovorimo za koju partiju.

 zar te nemam na steamu? LOL




Ipak imam 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 29.8.2017 12:27 (Soldier977).
12 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
MRSKI kaže...
Jack Sparrow kaže...

Ček da bi igrao igru moraš kupiti onu drugu verziju igre za 50-60€ u kojoj piše early access? Jer u prvoj piše samo zagarantirani ulaz u closed betu.

 Igra je već u closed beti i kupnjom "najjeftinije" verzije imaš automatski pristup.





 Edge of Darkness FTW 

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
12 godina
Escape from Tarkov

Xtreme_Dama; Youtube:
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
15 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Soldier977 kaže...

 Klean već 8 mjeseci roka, znam pogledati lika. Ali nikako da key osvojim kad ih djeli.


Nego jest vi koji imate već igru dobili možda dodatni closed beta key?

16 godina
Re: Escape from Tarkov
Jos uvijek seru s cijenama igre. Odes kupit i odjednom nije 36 nego 47 eura.
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