Total War: Rome 2

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13 godina
Total War: Rome 2

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12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Evo prvi gameplay, uzivajte! :P

Aut vincere, aut mori!
2 0 hvala 1
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

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14 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2
IvanKovacic kaže...

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Godinje Gospodnje, 2013.

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14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Carthage Battle Gameplay Walkthrough - Total War: Rome II


Oh jebote kako ovo dobro igleda   {#}  jedva čekam release date! {#}


Kažu da je ovo prealfa faza, a izgleda gotovo savršeno, mogu misliti kako će onda izgledati finalni proizvod.

Ovakvo nešto čekam još od prvoga Total Wara, odivujek sam želio i zamišljao da naprave pomorsku, kopnenu i siege bitku u jednom, da naprave velike gradove i neke planove napada. Ovaj TW me stvarno zapanjuje, jer ima toliko noviteta, i toliko stvari koje još trebaju otkriti, jednostavno ludilo od igre. 

Jedva čekam da pokažu campaign mapu i taj novi region sustav, ali ne sumnjam da će razočarati.

Eto, vrijedi nam sada samo čekati konačan izlazak igre, ali ovo što je za sada prikazano, je jednostavno savršeno.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 3
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Najveći screenshot u povijesti Total War-a...


Za one "posebene", zoom je veoma dobar. A i zapamtite, slika je puno veća nego mislite, ja sam tek kasnije skužio da je slika šira nego što sam msilio.

Ubi bene, ibi patria.
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 9.11.2012 16:38 (Et_Tu_Brute?).
4 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2


Ko bi reko{#}


Rim mi je tak i tak prvi izbor za igranje. Odma se kreće u kampanju protiv Gala.

Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
13 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Igra koja je od mene napravila insomičara...još jedan potez još jedan save i već sviće ujutro...čeka se-!!!!

Imam Alfu, stavil sam alu felge sad cu sigurno dobit (MUP) ban jer auto nije bio tak zamisljen-Kad igram TDU 2 bude mi rozna crta kad zakocim od tockova-evo ovako kad aimam on se sam unaima-
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Otkrivena je i druga frakcija s kojom možemo igrati!!!KARTAGA {#}


Grb Grb
Položaj na mapi Položaj na mapi
Carthage Sacredband Carthage Sacredband






“Democracy, commerce, faith"


The beating heart of Carthage is the city itself, a major port and bustling trade hub nestling on the North African coast. Since gaining independence from its Phoenician forbears, it has quickly established a considerable military, naval and trade empire of its own. Holding the same polytheistic beliefs as their ancestors, the Carthaginians worship many gods, chief amongst them Ba’al Hammon, The Ruler Of The Multitudes, and Tanit, the patron goddess of Carthage itself. Many people believe that child sacrifice takes place at their temples.



Carthage is an expansionist trading state with a small indigenous population. As such, the bulk of its armies consist of mercenary units. The core of its land forces, however, are elite Carthaginian citizens known as the Sacred Band and mighty war elephants from the forests of North Africa. Accomplished seamen, their ships are fast and manoeuvrable, with good ramming and missile capabilities.


Since the 6th century BC, Carthage has enjoyed a commercial treaty with Rome. The nations even fought together during the Pyrrhic War, although this was a marriage of convenience to prevent Greek hegemony of Southern Italy and Sicily. The outcome of that war was perhaps better for Rome; Carthage gained a foothold in Sicily, but Rome achieved dominance over much of the Italian peninsula. Now, tensions run high between these mighty nations….


As a playable faction, Carthage benefits from its mastery of the waves and its heritage as a great trading nation. As a democracy, it also enjoys an improved level of population happiness. The player also has the choice to play as one of three major political powers, each of which confers further military, economic and cultural benefits.



Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 1.2.2013 16:03 (Tsar).
Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Total War: Rome 2

zanimljivo je to šta će početak igre biti smješten kasnije nego u prvom RomeTW-u.

Moj PC  
1 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Još malo Kartage! {#}

(...u videu pokazuju prvu sliku vezanu uz barbare)


General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put uto 18.12.2012 14:29 (Tsar).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 1
11 godina
Total War: Rome 2

planiraju preko 50 frakcija! zamisli borbe grčkih gradova-država za prevalst nad cijelom grčkom ^^

iliri će mi bit broj 1 za igrat nakon rima.

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2
Tsar kaže...

Još malo Kartage! {#}

(...u videu pokazuju prvu sliku vezanu uz barbare)


Samo da još dobro optimiziraju igru :=)

14 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2
Praetorian1 kaže...

Samo da još dobro optimiziraju igru :=)


Evo što CA kaže:


"Completely scalable experience, with performance optimised for your PC or laptop. Witness the awesome scale of Total War: Rome II, no matter what your spec."

General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Ajme ko će dočekati 2013{#}

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

se zna mozda otprilike okviran datum tj koji kvartal..??


ovo uzimam sigurno inace sam fan tw serijala al shogun 2 mi je bzvz skroz(vjerovatno jel to nis ne kuzim japanske spike i to)

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2

zadnji kvartal 2013

11 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Koja mašina treba za pokrenuti?

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Lijepo i ugodno za uho :)


General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 0
11 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2
Vuk15 kaže...

Koja mašina treba za pokrenuti?

Nisu jos izasli sluzbeni zahtjevi ali sudeci prema tvojoj konfi nemas razloga za brigu! {#}

14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Jako zanimljivo i interesanto: Nove informacije, odgovori i pitanja o nadolazećem Rome 2. (vrši se update teme svako malo, pa možete i češće pratiti)

General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 3
14 godina
Re: Total War: Rome 2
Square Enix kaže...
Vuk15 kaže...

Koja mašina treba za pokrenuti?

Nisu jos izasli sluzbeni zahtjevi ali sudeci prema tvojoj konfi nemas razloga za brigu! {#}



Ne bih baš rekao {#} obzirom da Shogun 2 na high tjera moje ventove da rade na maksimum. U suprotnom bi se grafulja užarila  {#}

14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Najavljena i treća igriva nacija, moji favoriti, Makedonci! {#}


Grb Grb

Macedon Shield Bearers Macedon Shield Bearers
Položaj na mapi Položaj na mapi

Najava i intervju:




Total War





“Glory, order, power.”


Desperate to reclaim its past glory, Macedon finds itself locked into its pre-Alexandrian borders by the Illyrians, Thracians and Greek city states on all sides. Can the Macedonian Empire rise again under a new Alexander?


Macedon is an administration, with the king holding power and governing in the name of the people. This distinction extends to the treasury, fuelled by an economy of agriculture, forestry and the taxation of ports, the exception being the gold and silver mines granted to the king.


Macedon’s armies remain set on the pattern developed by Phillip II and Alexander, focusing primarily on infantry and cavalry, and led by heroic commanders. Little has changed in terms of tactics, technology or siegecraft since the glory days, with a continuation of Alexander’s hoplite reforms and reliance on the famed Companion and Thessalian cavalry. Never a strong naval power, Macedon has long relied upon its sea-faring Hellenistic subjects, such as Athens and Rhodes.


As a Successor State, Macedon gains advantages when fighting other Hellenic factions, and enjoys improved income and provincial growth from every client state owned. Experienced warriors, the armies of Macedon also have an advantage when fighting against barbarians.


Under the leadership of Antigonus Gonatus, they are gracious rulers and shrewd tradesmen, enjoying bonuses to income and population happiness. However, the other Hellenistic states find it hard to forgive Macedon’s hegemonic tendencies, and as such, the Macedonian player will have a harder time winning their trust and allegiance.



General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 18.1.2013 21:50 (Tsar).
Moj PC  
4 0 hvala 1
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Četvrta najavljena nacija dolazi nam sa Britanskog otoka, pleme Iceni{#}


Grb Grb
Položaj na mapi Položaj na mapi
Iceni Iceni


Total War





“Iron, conquest, pride.”


An Iron Age tribe of southern Britain, the Iceni are a proud and fierce people. They inhabit the flatlands, marshes and fens that border the North Sea, south of the Wash. They are practiced raiders, and frequently engage in battle with their tribal neighbours, the Coritani and Atrebates.


The Iceni principally make use of infantry when at war. Equipped with large oval or sub-rectangular shields and either a sword or spear, their main distinction from the Celtic tribes of the continent is the practice of painting or tattooing their skin, combined with a greater use of slings in battle. Although light cavalry are used, the Iceni and other British tribes are famed for their highly manoeuvrable war-chariots. After harrying the enemy with javelins, warriors dismount and engage in a fashion similar to the Homeric champions.


Far from simple barbarians, the Iceni have established a capital, known as Venta Icenorum, as well as large religious centres. Although based on agriculture, their economy is sophisticated – they even mint their own coins. Their culture, craft and wealth are illustrated in the form of fantastic gold torques and other jewellery worn by their nobles.


As a playable faction, The Iceni are brave and warlike; invoking the goddess Andraste as they charge into battle drives them to even greater feats of valour. Their expertise with iron makes the resource a particularly effective form of income for the tribe, as does their skill at raiding and looting. And as a warrior society, the happiness of the people increases with every fresh declaration of war.


The Iceni have the potential to dominate the Iron Age tribes of Britain. Beyond their shores lie Celtic Gaul and Iberia… can the Iceni unite them all under their banner?




General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 1.2.2013 15:35 (Tsar).
Moj PC  
2 0 hvala 1
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Izlgeda da igram s Icenima. :D

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I've Got Alzheimers, Cheese On Toast
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

oce li povecati malo max broj vojnika..??

Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

A nešt se pričalo da bi moglo biti u opcijama ponuđeno da se odabere od 20-40 slotova. Al bumo vidili kaj će bit od toga.

Al svakako su obećali najveće bitke i opsade do sada, pa se možda to i realizira.

Ili će jednostavno povećati broj vojnika po unitu.

General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 1.2.2013 21:03 (Tsar).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
12 godina
Total War: Rome 2

ma i to samo da bude sto vise(to me pali:D)i da bude sto vise rasa za igrat oce pustat kakav demo jel za prvi rome je bio demo kad su se napadali oni gali ak se nevaram..:D
inace nezz za vas jedva cekam da izadje jel ovaj shogun mi je nesto prelose nezz za vas i zanima me dal neko zna koliko su otprilike kljucevi kostali na stranicama ala g2play i slicno?


EDIT: sad vidim na g2playu ima vec preorder key cijena 265 ako bude neki popust do cca 200kn odmah uzimam..:D

Poruka je uređivana zadnji put pet 1.2.2013 21:22 (tomislavivic).
Moj PC  
0 0 hvala 0
14 godina
Total War: Rome 2

Vjerovatno će steam, i twc nuditi neke ekskluzive pri preorderu, pa možda da pričekaš da objave to.

Možda odmah neka nova nacija u početku, elitne jedinice ili neki bonus za multiplayer.

General, we are surrounded! Great, we can attack from any direction! ;)
Moj PC  
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